European History is Not White History

Fascists BTFO

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I ain't watching that gay shit
kys op

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another self hating white decided to record himself taking shots at white civ and upload it to youtube so we could all drown in his noxious verbal diarrhoea.

As always

so we're absolved of white privilege and white guilt then? finally, send the reparations cheque to me in the male for being an exploited white proletariat. oh and I need affirmative action too.


If you want arguments post a Webm

This. Also keep the negros away from me so they don't confuse me for the white bourgeoisie when they wish to enact their racial revenge.

Stop shilling Shaun this is the 3rd thread I've seen

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It’s amazing how these people take all the time in the world dismantling their heritage rather than taking the time to know it? I don’t even know my dad so finding that side of the families heritage is miserable. I could be Irish or Scottish for all I know. It’s sad because the older I get the more I want to know about my people, yet cuck after cuck works hard to hide every bit of our history they can.


it's just more dog whistling to make the violent genocide they will attempt to carry out against us all the more easier
>we don't want to kill whites, we only want to kill whiteness
Blah blah blah it's all quite pathetic

Go to sleep, user.

Escept thats litterally not the case?

Notice how he only applies this to White countries, I can find a whole lot of old pictures of white people in places were Whites weren't a majority, am I supposed to petition their movie studios for inclusion of a possible White person in their military force 200 years ago? Oh wait most of these countries don't even have a media industry and the ones that do like China or India would just say no.


Thanks, Satan. Got me to create a new sub-folder.

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Checked for reported for advertising on Zig Forums.

… After digging deeper, I think this guy might actually be gay.

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This irony in this one is especially amusing.

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Called it.

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What irony?

Well Zig Forums is always right.


Fix your life user

But no:

Credit for Irish Qts and bugs bunny but still strange.

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Arguments go to people deserving of them, not flat earther-level retards. Wasting time "refuting" and "debunking" something equivalent to sewage is for losers. Enjoy your ban.

the fuck are you niggers up to now?

excuse me.

I keep my NatSoc stuff under Commander Rockwell, and if you look again, you'll see there's a Holohoax folder clearly labeled. I'm not autistic, so most of the Pedogate stuff went over my head, but most of the stuff in there is unorganized. It's getting to be a burden. Perhaps I should. . . clean my room?

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Opinion disgarded
