Pedo shit happening

So there's a Movie theater that serves beer in my area, and they made a public invitation to invite kids of all ages to watch an R film called "Eighth Grade" (was rated R for sexual content). I was thinking of going to scout it out but if this shit turns out to be some fucking den of predators I don't want to be caught dead with my face in there, Thoughts?

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I agree martyring this pedo is not the best idea, but I still feel like a faggot not doing anything.

(((Why don't you purchase a ticket and "watch" the movie with them?))))

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Let the judicial system sort it out, we need to take these shitheads to court for sexualizing kids.

paranoid faggot

I'm praying Bo Burnham (internet star/film director) is clean.

he's very subtle-woke (smart dude who mainly does stand-up), but seems to play it safe.

he did have an MTV show and was cast in a Judd apatow movie.

this new film is independently produced.

attended an elite Jesuit highschool, but is very anti-pope and Catholic

he has made pedo joke tweets but they are actually clever

"new study shows that most pedophiles live on the border of Hannah Montana and South Dakota Fanning."


"say what you want about pedophiles but at least they drive slowly around schools"

America's sexual dysfunction is because we hide and taboo it.

Sounds like someone that needs a baking lesson

It should be infinitely harder for children to see violence in films than to see sex in films. Porn-tier should be PG-13 while Terminator-tier should be NC-17 or higher.

baking lesson?

maybe I'm homeschooled not autistic

I spot a sand nigger again trying to normalize this shit, and Zig Forums wants me to ignore it and solely blame jews. Again. Why am I always supposed to ignore the sand niggers, Zig Forums?

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Sexualizing kids is taboo because people who sexualize kids need to be boiled in dishsoap.

We all know what the kids are thinking, for fucks sake they have the Internet now anyway. What's alarming is why some dude would invite random kids to watch an R rated film. What possible fucking argument is there to defend this?

I see a gullible woman.

God Odin, her mother must have had one hell of a tight vagina, that's not a c-section delivery there fo so with that skull shape

free beer and popcorn kids at the drafthouse

user, I….

plugged in online (Christian review site)

Kalya finds out that the boy she has a crush on, Aiden, broke up with his girlfriend after she refused to send him nude photos. Kayla sees this as an opportunity and tells Aiden she has her own dirty photos. This piques his interest, and he crudely asks her if she’s good at performing oral sex. After the eighth grader says yes—which is a lie—she goes home to research what it is and how it's performed. Kayla (and the audience) sees a woman with a prosthetic anatomical device, and we hear her using sexual terms to describe it. Before things get any more graphic than that, however, Kayla closes her computer. Another scene tells us she's still trying to figure out how oral sex works (a banana is involved), but her father interrupts her. She also pretends to kiss Aiden by kissing her hand.

A boy is caught masturbating in class. (We see motions as he hides underneath his oversized shirt.) Kids learn about their genitals in a health class. Some girls wear short shorts, and others wear bikinis. Boys and men are shown shirtless in their swimming trunks and boxers. A young boy flexes in front of a mirror. A middle school girl is pressured by a male high school senior to take her shirt off. (She doesn't comply.) Teens flirt with one another and talk about nude photos. Someone is called a "pervert."

frankly, is argue this is a pg-13 movie that the MPAA gave an R rating because independent studios don't have the time/money to keep editing the movie for an MPAA rating.

the MPAA doesn't say what exactly is the offensive content for small studios, they just demand a new edit.

but I could be wrong and Bo could be a pedo.

in a couple of interviews, BO comments that he watched hundreds of hours of teen vlogs to write the film.

he said he found himself watching girls/ writing a female protagonist more because they talked about feelings while boys talked about fortnight

sounds degenerate, is there an unedited version, maybe where her dad teaches her to give a proper BJ?

That really doesn't sound that bad, but if your target audience is young teen girls who can't see an R rated movie, you kinda have to edit it again to have any hope of making a profit. It's not like an R rated action movie that will only lose a bit of profit but still have plenty of adults see it.

>Scott (((Rudin))) Productions
>A24 : Daniel (((Katz))) David (((Fenkel))) John Hodges? James (((Schultz)))

sounds like he's solidly in the enemy camp

Beucse only backwards people would have an issue with a grown man inviting random kids to watch an adult film, makes sense

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How am I supposed to take you seriously if you can't even acknowledge that there are people other than jews that also seek to destroy our societies and way of life?

Because you’re a newfag (paid shill, more likely) if you don’t understand that without jews on Earth, none of these nonwhites would even EXIST anymore, much less even attempt to pose a threat to whites. Are you fucking retarded? Holy hell.

‘Eighth Grade’ is Holding Free Screenings Across the Country

Every so often, a fantastic movie that features a few too many “fucks” will come around to remind us how backwards the MPAA can be when it comes to depicting curse words and frank sexual discussions onscreen. And that’s where Eighth Grade fell into hot water with the all-powerful ratings board, whose R-rating for the film unreasonably bars 13-year-olds from seeing a resonant movie about themselves. Because unlike what its rating suggests, Eighth Grade is not a raunchy comedy that exaggerates the antics of middle schoolers today — on the contrary, it’s as raw and real as it gets. Parents across the country could benefit (though admittedly suffer a bit through the film’s more cringeworthy moments) from taking their kids to see Eighth Grade and kickstart important conversations about body image, identity, and sexual consent. But nope, the MPAA has got to be a remnant of Puritanical times.


I'm a bit conflicted. about all this. what do y'all think


what other films has A24 produced? I've heard pedo tottering about them in the past

>it was for (((research purposes)))

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another hollywood rape baby

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you shouldn't go by faith, you should just lurk moar

yes, the rajamanis are about to stab us in the back, never mind the cohen in front of you.

On the off chance that is a sandnigger and not a streetshitter, than basically it's the same as jews anyway.

I think any adult that invites random kids to a movie is a fucking weirdo, regardless of the film's content. However, this film should be watched and reviewed by us or anyone who is red pilled.

maybe. he never really got famous as an actor, his MTV show failed, and he's been with his high school girlfriend for 6+ years.

he was the first YouTube comedy star, so he isn't Hollywood royalty, rather he was literally scouted by talent agents over the internet.

but he could be a creep too

Time to start digging I guess @boburnham

I thought that was why the kikes had to insert sex ed into school

"Why–If I fuck a kid, I'm a pedophile, but if a kid fucks me, I'm a pedophile again? Twice in a week? What is this?"

Bo Burnham song: White People/Faggot

fuck. it wasn't the MPAA's decision, Bo wanted an R rating. Bo Burnam is encouraging kids to sneak in

well that didn't take long

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Fun fact:

Kayla means kabaala. (the Y = baal)

so, an attention whore who works with jews gets a chance to make a movie, and he chooses to make it about the sexuality of a middle school girl.

Sounds legit.

ImKampfy is obviously back, shill-modding for Zig Forums again!

idk, I think in that tweet he's pointing out how innapropriate it is for a 13 year old white kid to be saying "booty had me like

in none of his tweets/jokes are the children the punchline. IMO he's making fun of pedos not encouraging them

this movie thing has got my eyebrows raised

for sure, a little bit suspect.

but it also wasn't his first movie project. he tried to get a raunchy high school musical project off the ground starring him as a highschooler, that's been stuck in development hell

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yea that one isn't really suspect, I'm out of touch with shitty boomer-tier humor.

Trying to get better context for these though

It's not "the same." There's Middle Easterners all throughout Western Europe raping, robbing, and rising to prominence in politics. In Canada you've got rich slant-eyes controlling local politics and running whites out of neighborhoods and districts. In the US you've got self-serving niggers and wetbacks all throughout the political system. Media is no longer jew only, there's now prominent sand nigger owned platforms. You've got bots and shills from all over the globe trying to control consensus and information dissemination. Even right here on Zig Forums you can see it with "everything is the jews, and you're just a shill or a jew if you don't think so." It's so fucking one-dimensional and stupid. There's absolutely no fucking logic behind it. You can acknowledge the jewish problem while also acknowledging all these other problems. That's why people like and get the filter. "lurk moar u dont think right yet!" I wonder who fucking runs this place, or who operates here, to try so fucking hard to create this one-dimensionality.

also archive.

gas yourself kike, I bet you want those kids to be exposed to degeneracy

I gave you the benefit of the doubt but now it's obvious you're just here to derail. Everyone ignore this faggot.

Its not even an edgy humor "joke" at this point, this is straight up pedophile signaling.

"small cheese pizza for delivery"

Alamo Drafthouse is known for pulling stunts; they were the ones to first announce screening "The Interview" after tension with NK IIRC. This is a nothingburger; we've all got bigger problems.

That's not what ratings are you literal fucking brainlet.

Well you can see all of these degenerate pedophiles are playing their hand to hard and exposing themselves. James gunn ,Dan Harmon ,they cant help themselves can they? I hope these pedo faggots expose themselves while grand standing on social media so normalfags will start going after these degenerates themselves.

so you're saying he's exploiting kids just to be edgy?

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momentary inspiration, zero perspiration

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You have to cut through three or so pages of paid "audience reviews" on Rotten Tomatoes to get to the real people, but none of them had anything to justify the R rating. Then I found this one:

Msm encouraging parents to let their kids see this kiked up shit

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dubs called it, looks like shallow sexualization which is what I would have predicted.

those tweets are around the period he was writing a raunchy high school musical to be directed by Judd apatow

And that's all you should need to know.

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on Bo's Instagram in the comments

mar 17

"zackcalexHillary Clinton eats babies, Bo knows all about it. Pizzagate is real folks!"

Bo Burnham "testing the boundaries"

says comedy should have no boundaries. he doesn't understand getting offended. says a joke should be more funny than offensive

Found the original

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after further research I don't think Bo is a Pedo

in this 12 minute rant he mentions how shitty he thinks pop culture is and how he doesn't think it's right that "kids souls are filled with this shit"

namedrops Fallon and Colbert as being shill sellout losers.

he's burned a lot of Hollywood comedy bridges because he thinks it's low brow shit


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bo burnham and Trevor Moore aren't pedos/affiliates

Seth McFarlane, Dan Harmon, are pedophiles/affiliates.

we can only be lynch mobs for pedophilez.

comedians free speech let us speak truth to power

Most of these groups run breeding programs for these kids. There are daycares and everything that look normal, but the adoptive parents are actually their handlers and are grooming them.

Not sure what that means, but it is what it is.

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There's a line between only blaming the jew and never blaming the jew. It's called recognizing all of your enemies.

Oh i dont know, maybe because its not the sandniggers who own your government, entertainment and press and abuse these powers to try to exterminate the white race?
Maybe because its not sandniggers who send their little pawns in here to shill ?
Maybe because this is Zig Forums and not /neocon/ ?

OMG can you buy us some beers!? BTW your nose is kinda cute teehee.

Maybe call the federal marshalls. I think the fbi and doj is still too pozzed with hillary pedos to be of any use other than to tip off the criminals.

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Are you fucking retarded?
That nose could snort sack of hay and still have room for a booger sugar desert.

Beady blank eyes - check
mongrel nose - check
pouty jew lips - check

If you can't make this out, user, there's just no hope for you.

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I'll let you in on a little secret, bud.
Arabs and jews are both semites

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Convservacucks are soooooo dumb. No wonder liberals spin them as they like and rule the country.

damn bro are you scared to act??? the dude didnt exactly say to commit terrorism

OP if you really care more than just making a post. You go in there with a plan on how to take pictures and a fake story about yourself. Make some friends. Do some research and report it like a journalist. People say you are a pedo , you can show the work you did and the news paper you gave the article to.

Beyond that you could make some youtube vids about it. If you find anything really scary , like an ex convicted pedo actually being there I would report it to the police.

And make sure you bring condoms, you dont want to get an eighth grader preggers

so blaming all of the jews and a few whites and blacks.

got it

Second one is funny, first one is fucking weird considering he probably knows those people from work.


Yeehaw pardner

What the fuck.


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Is Feinstein's nose typical of Jews? She has really beady eyes and a fucked up face(and hair), but that nose seems white, or at least not semetic. The stereotypical desert jew has that curving arab nose.

nice try mossad

What century are you living in?

Are you new or JIDF? There are a few different Kike noses and rhinoplasty

Kind of a summerfag I guess, yes. I do know about the rhinoplasty, it was just an honest question. Generally I lurk but I was looking for an answer, wasn't a derail. Also I end up finding their personality gives it away anyway, the phenotype stuff works sometimes but not always.
Sage for me not being on topic

fucking checked and kek'd

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It's like poetry.

Nothing that needs to be taught, you learn that shit on your own.
Sounds like (((identity))).

Try all blacks.

I'd say go and watch the movie and pay attention to the crowd during the scenes. If it's an open invitation to an all ages show then likely what's going on is someone has it in their heads that this event will be the next Rocky Horror. Things to look out for, who's advertising their shit before the show takes place? Out here in Vancouver we have a theater you can drink in that also doubles for burlesque and comedy shows. Their advertisements are done by people making appeals to crowds, not like in regular theaters with the 20 minutes of advertisements before the previews come on. That sort of off-the-record freedom is the perfect opportunity to solicit youth into nefarious programs. That's what we need to know about and track.

Yeah that totally happens all the time, just a normal part of growing up. You know, just a little tug in third period.

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Either both should be PG-13, or NC-17. Stop using double standards on shit you personally approve of.

Has nobody here even seen the goddam trailer? It was everywhere for weeks. The movie is just trying to be edgy, the R rating is a joke.

This is also not the first time I've seen, "ignore the R rating, kids!" I recall Ebert saying that about a couple when I was growing up. Sometimes the ratings are horseshit.

have a seat and kill yourself

Obscenity laws when? Pornography is not only ruining children but is being practically forced down their throats. Want strong men and prosperous families? Ban porn.

you can't possibly, unironically think that sex is taboo in modern western countries.

The one where it's not socially acceptable for an adult to invite kids to watch sexual content in public. gas yourself.

Go dressed to the Purge Party as the Pedo finder General.

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