Get Used to it, White Man


That works for everyone, except white people.

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Oh so basically anyone who knows anything about how the world works and always has.

Article written by Blake Paterson. Doesn't look like a jew, just a faggot.

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just lol at texans shitting the internet with their smug elitist garbage for the past decade. youve seen them. youre cucks just like everyone else.

They have the added difficulty of being right on the border though. And under a government that allows these things to happen. Demographics are destiny.

I'm ok with this. Guess who is getting locked up for life now? Niggers.


After reading my own post, I have realized that whites in texas are basically sidelined and get to watch the war between niggers and spics.

Sad feels.

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Identity politics running rampant. Being young and a minority is not a set of skills or qualifications.

There is only one solution.

Only two things come from Texas, and he doesn't look like a steer.

It’s cool. I’ve decided to kill myself anyways

Their Civ Nat attitude is what makes their arrogance to unbearable. If they were 1488 they'd be sympathetic characters. But they just love going on about how based Mexicans are, how they aren't racist and "latinas are hawt dude".

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Texans have decided to racemix into the latino race, so it'll just be like any other Lat Am republic with a racial caste system.

the wall is real. didn't even need trump

No doubt they push the cultural brainwashing hard down there. I watched a movie with my kid brother the other day, about some secret weapon that was an AI dog. Called A.X.L. Not a bad movie I guess, but it was set in Texas I believe and the protagonist's girl was a spic and she was desired by this other rich white guy too, even though she and her mom were basically that guy's house servants.

I know this is bait, but most White Texans hate spics and want them out.

Do you have any info about organizations, or messages they are spreading, etc? I hardly hear anything about ethno-nationalism in Texas. Maybe they aren't vocal enough, or we just don't hear them for whatever reason.

Yeah, no. They are all obese goblinas.

Netflix is getting fucking unbearable. Started to watch a foreign show on there the other day, figured, hey, the french are based, why not? So I start watching Osmosis, and two episodes in, the show is about finding your soulmate through a computer. Apparently, if you are white, your soulmates are chinks and niggers every time. No thanks.

We basically segregated ourselves out. There are a few white areas in my city, you don't go to the rest. We are resigned to the spics, at least after katrina hit, the spics sent the refugee niggers back out of town. t. san antoniofag

Someone papered my neighborhood with "blood and soil" adverts for a WN group. But that's it. Felt good, wasn't me.

Civ Nats are the worst, they'll turn race traitor in a heartbeat

Everything is very segregated in Texas. Like 1/4th of every town is the "mexican part" where all the mexican shops are and all the mexicans live.

If only there was a country they could move to, which already had plenty of mexican shops and mexican people living there?
That would be awesome because they would be so happy there. Its a shame that such a place definitely doesnt exist.

Texas is going to be a bloodbath once everything starts.

This is why I hate MAGAcuck faggots. Trump is a jew cuck and letting in hordes of spics like her and replace whites. You MAGAfaggots cannot explain this away.

Who are you talking to?

Why is it that Mexicans have such strong racial identity, awareness, and loyalty when they're literally a mutt race born of rape from foreign invaders?

Is this some kind of warning for those who are accustomed to order and dignity?

yeh fuck it lets just let little girls start running everything, what could possibly go wrong, I mean if they are brown and female with "immigrant backgrounds' that must mean they're perfect for the job right?

Put millions of pakis in London; all vote for paki mayor. Put millions of spics in Houston; all vote for spic mayor. You know, I think I've heard some thing about this before. Something about demographic replacement and how democracy in non-homogenous nations inevitably becomes identity politics where each ethnicity or religion only votes for those who are the same as them.

You know what? I remember! It was among you supposed liars and spreaders of fake-news, on Zig Forums, ten fucking years ago. I guess Zig Forums was right, AGAIN.

she probably dominated him with a big brown dildo in his poopy hole before he wrote the article.

pic not related, this is a fucking imageboard.

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Who the fuck elected a 28 year old shitskin immigrant in Texas?


Other shitskin (immigrants)

Which begs the question, why was Texas letting shitskin immigrants vote?

mfw I going to send her back home and get another one the moment she gets too old

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They had no choice, young liberal fags have been moving there for awhile now meanwhile the older folks are dying off

If she’s 28 maybe she should lay off the makeup or something she has more crows feet around her eyes than my 42 y/o wife

Because of the magic dirt that makes you an american if you are born on american soil. The legal system is working against whites because it gives legal rights to the invaders. Theres nothing you can do if the government says "mexicans can vote in US elections" other than kill the government, but if you ever bring up the idea of killing the government you get b& or shouted down.

They aren't loyal. They're actually self-loathing and believe in "mejorar la raza" so they always try to marry up toward a whiter caste. They are just smart enough to know they have to band together against a common enemy.

No, we don't have magic citizenship dirt. Someone needs to teach shitskins how to read.

If you treat invaders like citizens, give them rights, free food, board, easy jobs, access to your women, let them drive. Then they are essentially citizens. Someone's playing the fool here and it isn't the shitkins, funny enough.

Uhhh yea we do. Have you never heard of anchor babies? If a mexican shits out a beaner baby in Texas they consider them a US Citizen just like someone who can trace their linage back to the original 13 colonies.

Literally NOT what it says you stupid fuck.

No one ever asked me nor involved me. Perhaps you mean jew.

Doesn't matter what it says, matters how it's enforced.

Individualism is failing us. Enough of our tribe, including our forefathers, sold us out to the kikes. For all intents and purposes me == you == us when it comes to an ethnostate.

She needs to shave her chest too.

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Anchor babies are not and have never been legal citizens, you subhuman piece of shit. The law does not exist. Stop repeating it.

Cook the rice, pay the price. Kill yourself.

Thats exactly what is happening. How does that make me a stupid fuck because I point out reality?
You either start shooting beaners, or lay down and die.
One or the other.

I live in Texas. I can tell you it very much exists. Thats how these people live. They come in, then they shit out some spic babies, then they live off the government because the government says their kids are U.S. citizens.

The NFA doesn't exist either since RKBA shall not be infringed. Full-autos are completely legal, at least if I close my eyes and imagine. But I get what you mean, there is just a huge disconnect between the law of the letter and how it's enforced. The gap between the two amounts to pedantry, unfortunately. Then we are stuck with the reality.

imagine my shock

This is the kind of Texan I want to see more of. Based.

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A lot lower than the price of getting JUST'd by some skank who thinks she's gods gift to the world because she got fucked by a dozen chads in college.

phoneposting is bad and you should feel bad

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You're deluded.

Good point. Its all of them.

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I read it just fine degenerate.

Death is for spics.

So once Texas goes fully blue, what then? Republicans are gonna become even more "centrist" or they will stand zero chance for the presidency.

Wow, spics hit the wall fast, and Trump hasn't even started yet.

you beat me to it, I should have searched for "wall" first.

Welp… time for Texas user's to get off their ass and start the racewar already. Their state has the highest amount of beaners. And unlike kikes beaners will produce enough gas when burned to actually cremate the bones. Let the fire rise, texasbros.

irish prolly

Gee, I wonder if the secret communist party will become more communist once they don’t even have to bother pretending they support whites. What a question to ask.

You’re a race traitor. You are meaningless to everyone here.

It doesn’t exist. Stop repeating jewish lies.

Hurry, or it gets cold!

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y'all salty ass niggaz

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How the fuck is this supposed to appeal to a voter base? This is the most authoritarian messaging, ideologically counter to the basis of democracy.

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It's racial block voting, dummy. Something that everyone except for whites do. Especially after we gave women the vote.


I'm retiring to Mexico, start the racewar in 4-5 years

DON'T do something terrible before you do, like bomb a synagogue in Minecraft or steal someone's illegal Roblox hentai stash.

The whites who condone this, write articles gushing about how good it is, or chastise their fellow whites for objecting (like this Lomax faggot) are the most dangerous enemies we face. They may as well be standing in a line pointing rifles at us. They should be seen as domestic terrorists. Anyone still doubting this or still trying to maintain sympathy for these white traitors, goes in the enemy column as well.

Yeah, in a society as kiked as ours you have to put up with some degree of shit. You wouldn't go around loudly proclaiming your hatred of shitskins because you'd probably get your ass beaten within minutes. But to think whites (actual whites too, not just (((whites))) ) would go out of their way to write anti-white propaganda is absolutely disgusting.

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I feel for Texas anons. Even Western states far from any border are getting flooded with spics. I've seen elementary schools in fuckin Wyoming that were almost half spic. I suspect something organized, most likely in our own government, working against us.

Make some good friends. Every good white man is worth at least 2 of theirs. If you're not already fit and armed, fix that.

I've honestly seen more Wyoming fags here than Texas fags. And Wyoming is what, 1/10 the population? What are you guys doing?

Don't identify yourselves, but is there any awareness in TX how fucked shit is?

then its time to close that loophole shut.

To be fair.. Texas became white and lost to Mexico because of illegal uncontrolled immigration…

I reckon it go back to Mexico the same way.

I reckon every nearby white takes a basic rifle and pushes the shitskins back to Argentina.

but Argentina is white.

this San Antonio West and South side are almost all Mexican. North side is white and rich mexican nationals (politicians, coporation leaders, anyone connected to the cartel). East side is predominately black, and is actually safer than the south side

That is a jew-spic. Many spics that look like that have (((sephardic))) mixture.

Literally the entire southwest is majority spic at this point. I love how deluded coastcucks are.

also this, Austin is everything bad about liberals social policies combined with Neo-con fiscal policies. Every non-stem teacher at University of Texas has a "I supported undocumented students" or a "No concealed handguns in my class/office" sign.

It's weird because I've lived here in SA while now and the furthest south I've been is Balcones Heights. Shit sucked there, but I've since moved further north into the cheap but not ghetto side of town.
(((Coincidentally))) there's a (((Jews))) over here.

At least Mexicans work for their money unlike jews, nigs, nips, and gyps.

would prefer 1 billion chinks to 1,000 spics tbh

I was born in Houston and now I live about 60 miles north of that shithole. I can't even stand to be in Harris county, I feel dirty breathing in its air. The comments are true about how shitty it is. It truly is a spic filled shit-bowl. They are everywhere. Everywhere you go you see brown people speaking Spanish. I'd take niggers over those spics any day. At least the blacks have some similar culture.
Where I live, it's the White Man's land with many based people all over the place - totally night and day over Houston.
I truly want North Korea or Russia to nuke it down to the bedrock. It blows my mind how transplants just can't stop coming here. They say that "Houston's so amazing" "It's so wonderful here." Fucking barf!!!!! Here's the worst part; I am single and looking. I hardly never see a White woman…..and if I do, she's a fatshit or with a spic or nigger.
It truly is hell on earth down here.

fucking beaners, man

[email protected]

i dont know man, that's tough to say.
i have a buddy that lives in richmond. houston sucks though. i'm in a neighboring state above you out in the country also about 60 miles from a big city and there are lots of beaners in the more populous areas here as well. its like little fucking mexico in some parts and i dont like it.

Back in high school, I chose German and continued it well into college as well as French. I did that as a gigantic middle finger to Spanish. Fick dich ins Knie, Spanisch!

She looks like she's 45

Spics themselves are artificial, but you can't say America is for whites at the same time saying that Europe is being invaded and whites are being genocided without being hypocritical.
Even if whites did come to America first, the Soultreans would've never crossed through Texas.

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What the fuck does that have to do with anything? That's like saying Jiangxi isn't China because the first Chinese civilizations started around the Yellow river in Shanxi. It doesn't matter where they fucking crossed, it matters where the bounds of their civilization extended to. I can't tell if you're new, a spic, a shill or what you're thinking with this dumb argument?

If it weren't for their neckface, baboon ass, and elephant legs, they'd make a great landscape fabric.

Mexicans confirmed as American Jews. Real Jews completely assblassed and gassed by their replacements.

In other news, a Russian hottie turned me into her slave.