Is situationism liberal pseudospience? how the fuck can you break the spectacle by invoking unusual thought patterns?

Is situationism liberal pseudospience? how the fuck can you break the spectacle by invoking unusual thought patterns?

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it's already been made obsolete by interactionism

Their observations on the system were correct. Their ways of getting out of it were not.


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Would you mind elaborating?

The situationists (As in the SI, not the psychology theory) like Guy Debord made observations on capital like how capital had reduced lived experiences into mere representations of their former selves, ready to be sold to a hungry populace desperate for such experiences which they, as a condition of capitalism, were unable to partake in. Other observations like capitalist societies need to constantly reinvent itself by recycling old ideas, reformating them, and presenting them as new can be seen pretty obviously in todays consumer culture. But the situationists answer to all this, being mostly artists and anti-authoritarians, was to merely create avant-garde art and engage in convoluted performance pieces in order to "culture jam" consumer society. Which is nice and all, but in reality does nothing to actually stop the "spectacle" or capitalism.

Yeah it sounds like the only way out of the cycle of capitalist spectacle is full on Leninist revolution

how is that any different?

Given their idea, a correct one might I add, that culture in a capitalist society is a constant regurgitation of old ideas, the idea that you would break that production by invoking unusual ideas is one of the logical end points.
However, I find I few problems with that: capitalism regurgitates pre-existing ideas, so when you create one it can then be coopted by capitalism, simply by existing; the second is that it doesn't get to the material conditions of the capitalist production, which is kinda strange since those people are marxists.
I think that a better conclusion to be drawn from the situational ideas is the creation of farcical communities with dialect and culture intentionally created to be impenetrable, in such way that while trading between people would be possible, corporations would have no chance of penetrating said market; these communities should then band together in confederations to protect each other, occupy spaces, and create an underground economy, declaring a cultural and economic war on the state. With such confederations, daily live could become an adventure, leaving the pop culture industry with no audience.
Think of it as groups of class conscious droogs. Obviously the punk, the hippie and the biker gangs movement come to mind, but I think a fundamental difference is that those movements were neither evangelist nor had any capacity for political thinking. I think that in that sense, the lgbt movement of 40 years ago, as well as the yakuza, give us a better picture as to how to make that work.
P.S.: I don't know how skate boarding and parkour didn't become passions of Gui Debord.

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How can you have resources like bopsecrets and the Marxist archive, and make threads about 'situationism'? How? What is this drivel.

P.S. too drunk to do it

You seem to forget that the Situationist International weren't just avantgarde artists engaging in circlejerking détournement, but one of the driving forces behind May 68, the closest to revolution we got in the west since WW1 and that in times of economic prosperity.

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Revolutionary socialists have always already formed quasi secret societies. It's the only option to organize if your party is illegal. If this was the message, it was a banal one.

so Zig Forums?

You do remember that what emerged from '68 was that revolutionary sentimentality in almost the whole of the west collapsed or split to such a degree that the efficacy of any particular group could not regain the same traction experienced prior to '68. It was the greatest opportunity that turned into a massive failure.

And it killed the mass communist party at least in France.

it killed the mass "communist" party because it was driving a reformist class-collaborationist course and completely missed the revolutionary situation

Them pointing out that Media under Capitalism basically obscures you from Reality and simply shows you a Representation of events that Porky wants you to see is dead on but their methods to "combat" it (Putting on Public Art displays / Graffiti / Basically the Forebearers of Flash Mobbing and Memes) Just Fucking Screams pseud tbh

The CPF Killed itself by becoming Euro"Com" Social-Democrats and telling the Literal Millions of Workers and Young Marxists Alike who had risen up to just "Take the deal go back home and Remember to vote for us in the election"

It was a Literal fucking "Kerensky continuing the war" tier betrayal

look, although it ended in a complete shitstorm, it sure as hell brewed some shit. that means it is a perfect learning opportunity on how to do better next time. not copy them, hell no, but learn from them and study why it failed so miserably yet gained to much traction initially.

Curious, I remember my dad (an economist) saying the same thing about Marxism.

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This means your dad is a Marxist.


Where the fuck is the tradeshop here, I never heard of that thread!

The idea is to no be secret: again, like a gang; not like a secret society.

My dead is a neocon and he says that.

Ice pick time.

They would've known better had they read their Walter Benjamin. There's no avoiding or subverting commodification, there's nothing outside of it under capitalism.