8cup Thread

8/u/ here. I know you guys don't usually see us eye to eye, but I just want to say before the upcoming match that you've been doing God's work on 8gag over the years. It must have been quite a struggle to preach the Truth in the abscessed armpit of the Internet, but somehow you've done it. We may be the forbidden board and the chief of sinners, but we've had enough travails of our own to understand what you've gone through, and we want you to know that we stand beside you in these foreboding times.

Thanks for reading, and may the best board win.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Good luck today. Our match is about to start:

You guys won we lost. GG.

Congrats on your victory, Zig Forums. You guys are one step closer to the trophy.

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honestly surprised we're doing so well

Who's next to taste the heavenly boot?

we're playing /bane/ tomorrow in the semi finals

He's a big savior

for uh everyone
this is truly David vs Goliath

we've made it to finals

Ping me when we have next game

/bane/ btfo

Italo here. May the best team win, and God bless.

Jesus was the bigger guy

4 us

Good game, it was fun.

the final match is next after these ads it's us vs /ita/


Papal States >>>>> Italy

Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam

Here's to you, Christian brothers.

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Does anyone has the list of music being played? This is beautiful.

A tutto voi, Italofratelli!

It's the OST of The Mission.

This is now the thread theme.



Is there an archive video of the tournament?
I was doing church work all day.

the guys who run the thing say they're going to upload the matches sometime
for now you can watch the replays on twitch

Thanks fam

Congrats on winning 8cup

Checkmate, atheists.

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By the way, aren't you going to edit your wiki page to have a star added to your emblem? You deserve it, as the champions.

Its a little late but congrats, God-Emperor bless.

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wow we won

Bane wasn't so big after all

Does anyone know what the two songs before>>684609 this one are? I have the vocals stuck in my head, but I can't listen to the whole song. Anything helps.

God is the one true Big Guy in the Sky

Would Zig Forums be interested in participating in an Zig Forums Winter Ball? If so, which board would you ask out?

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