Batman vs Rick Sanchez

Batman vs Rick Sanchez.

Who wins?

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Rick easy. Bat boy has only ever been able to wield a Green Lantern ring for a small period of time; Rick is clearly able to master it as seen here:

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Who wins? Who wins in what?

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Who has the most prep time?

How do you prep for Rick? HE has no MO except winning.

Batman vs Rick Sanchez

>who wins in what?

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I dunno. Rick killed a man just from the guy touching him...

Rick has bigger plot armor and bullshit gadgets so him.

Bigger plot armour than Batman? The guy who once somehow dodged Darkseid's Omega beams (which superman and the flash can barely keep ahead of) by being...what? Unpredictable?
lol let us not speak of plot armour.

Rick creates AI at the breakfast table and can transfer himself into a clone if he dies. That's not plot armor, that's just him.

>Bigger plot armour than Batman?

Way, way, way bigger. This isn't anywhere close to the same Power level.

Batman's always been an unabashed Gary Stu superhero power fantasy, sure, but Rick Sanchez is basically Power Man (the one stick figure in that comic an user made which created him just to forever end stupid "who would win in a x contest" debates) with nihilism issues. Remember how he destroyed some Darkseid equivalent, booby-trapped his base and took over as the villain-of-the-week just to prove how asinine the villains and the heroes who fought them both were? Remember how *Drunk Rick* killed a team of superheroes while barely trying?

The only times Rick has ever lost in a conflict are times where he has been deliberately holding back. The entire point of his character is, in part, that Rick *has* no limits anymore, physical, moral or otherwise, and he has enough experience in his admittedly vaguely-detailed life to know the answer to any villain or conflict he comes across (family issues notwithstanding.)

Batman would try to arrest him for crashing his ship on civilians while on a trip to the liquor store and Rick would quick-draw a raygun that, like turns all his bones into jellyfish or some fucked up thing. He wouldn't even spare him a second glance.

>Rick creates AI at the breakfast table and can transfer himself into a clone if he dies
Rick casually brought down an entire galactic government in the span of 5 minutes just for the fun of it, he creates and enslaves entire dimensions to power his car, once turned the entire planet into monsters as a side effect of helping his grandson roofie an innocent girl. He took down the Avengers while blackout drunk just to prove that he could. It's part of what makes the character so insufferable and why he's so popular among certain audiences.

Whoever is the writer's pet.
More interesting question, how would you make such battle entertaining?

Depends on who has prep time. Rick's "power level" is too inconsistent and gets crushed like a bitch plenty of times.

Well yes, i agree that Rick is on a different level entirely, but that's not what plot armour means.
Plot armour is when a character should not or could not win but they do anyway because it's convenient for the plot or the fandom.

>Rick kills Batman
>this sets off a chain of events where all the Batmans from different universes group up to form the Council of Batmans
>Batmans acquire portal tech
>a ton of Batmans come flying out of portals all around Rick at the same time beating his shit in
>original Batman comes back to life through some Rick invention asspull because comic book characters never stay dead
>they both just sort of give up
>Batmans refuse to kill Rick
>as the different Batmans leave Rick yells out "Y-YEAH WELL TELL ME WHEN YOU HAVE A COUNCIL OF MARTHAS *blurp* OH WAIT".
Realistically Rick should win but for the sake of plot it'd be something stupid like that.

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>Ben 10

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Serious question because it's been a while since I've watched the show. Remind me when Rick has been crushed like a bitch?

Let's assume a scenario where they both know they're going into a fight but don't know with whom.

>Power Man (the one stick figure in that comic an user made which created him just to forever end stupid "who would win in a x contest" debates)
Anyone have a screencap?

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Here. Fireden is your friend.

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Is Rick unironically among the most powerful Zig Forums characters?

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In magic land in the dragon ep

>When he was put in fantasy realm and his shit suddenly stopped working
>He had a meltdown by a simple alien fleet in that ep where they get their toxic parts removed
>Plenty of versions of himself were slaughtered by common alien prisoners when they busted out when C-137 fucked with the Citadel. You can pretty much toss in any other instance where Rick gets blown up or fucked over
>Preview for next half of season where he is getting the shit kicked out of him by some guy
>That star chick had no problem force choking him and didn't kill him because plot
>Getting mauled by that grown alien thing when fighting his toxic self
>Getting shot when he was off guard in the purge ep

Again though his bullshit is inconsistent and depending on the episode though. Even then it relies on him being prepared as fuck and he can still just get btfo if he is caught off guard

You put him up against Adam West Batman, and all of Rick's science gadgets are countered in real time by bat-whatevers of increasing improbability and stupidity until Rick gets increasingly frustrated and its not even about winning the fight anymore, its just about pride.

"Yeah, thats right. I put a fucking neutron bomb in your bat cave. What are you going to do about it?"

"Let it detonate harmlessly in this Bat Anti-Neutron Balloon."

"Why the fuck is it a balloon? You can just pop it. It defeats the purpose." Rick stabs at the balloon harmlessly with a knife, but can't break it. "What the-"

"That would be the Bat Anti-knife coating I sprayed it with before you got here. This isn't my first caper, you bomb-making maniac."

I think he might be. He's a tech god

Nah. Rick's tech is bitch tier.

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I believe

This is brilliant

Isn't this just one punch man?

Batman. Rick is too drunk and amoral. In Batman stories, 9/10 times the forces of good prevail.

This too.