Hey, Bob

>Hey, Bob.
>Yeah, Ted?
>Did we do a cross promotion with Sugar Rush or something?
>Not that I can recall, no. Why?
>Because I'm seeing a bunch of videos on BuzzzTube showing that Vanilla-something girl is a character in Slaughter Race now.
>What? That can't be. That doesn't make any sense.
>She is, though! I just looked into the coding and she's definitely in the game.
>That's weird. Someone must've snuck her in or hacked the server or something.
>Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
>Well, I'll go double check with Carl, just in case. But we might have to do a server reset and get that code out of there. The last thing we need is to be sued by Sugar Studios because some hacker thought they were being funny.

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It is almost like this sequel is moronic and contradicts the first movie?

Sounds about right. Probably not more than 5 minutes in the game she'll be targeted for deletion.

Do people assume that all your problems got solved because H̶a̶p̶p̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶f̶a̶i̶l̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶e̶'̶v̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶p̶o̶i̶s̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶s̶e̶ ̶f̶a̶i̶r̶y̶t̶a̶l̶e̶s̶ ̶ a big strong man showed up?

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The problem with this line/scene is that Vanellope's problems DID get fixed when a big strong man showed up.

Also some of those “princesses” saved themselves.

This line seemed weird since that was exactly what happened in the first movie.

They pulled this shit in LEGO Movie 2, too. "So even though you did all the work and kicked all the butt, the man got all the credit?" Like, fuck you, Wyldstyle was strapped into a death machine with no way of getting out and Emmett was the one who freed everyone and talked President Business down from Taco Tuesday and saved the day. I'm all for women empowerment and all but goddamn.

Big Hero 6 was the last Disney film that didn't feel self righteous and preachy. Change my mind

I didn't think Moana was too preachy.

I think you mean Tangled.

That line was super terrible.

Not only is that what happened with Penelope, that's the same thing that happened to Raps.

And Jasmine. And Aurora. And Snow White. And kind of Belle.

BH6 was a vapid, performative film. On release everyone was more interested in its aesthetics and feeling than the actual structure and writing of the adaptation.

You know she defends Emmett during this scene, right? Or did you just watch the trailer and not the movie itself?

Tangle was better than we deserved, and we only got it because they had relatively written the film off. I didn't even know what it was about because the advertising was afraid to say it was a traditional princess movie.

Barely. She doesn't respond with a strong "Hey! That's not fair! I barely did anything while he saved the universe!" She gives off a half hearted "Uh, no, I mean... He really did save the day, honest... Kinda..."

After seeing the movie, this was the first thing that came to my mind.

Also, if Fix-it Felix was like essentially a Donkey Kong clone, was there a huge expansive home console universe?

The sequel was bad but my favorite line was wait if you’re not the bad guy and I’m not the bad guy then who is? And ominous fucking music plays while he drives pissed off

I dunno, overall I liked LEGO 2. I thought the side story of the brother and sister was pretty good and Rex made for an interesting, different kind of villain.

It's the fate she deserves.

>First movie
>I'm a racing princess with the greatest superpower ever! I don't want to give that up!
>Second movie
>God I want to give that up so much

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She was basically the best racer in her game though. Winning all the time every time isn't fun after a while. She still wants to race, but just with more stakes.
I fucking hated the movie but that part at least seemed thought out compared to the rest of it.

But, like... She's a video game character. Her winning is completely up to the player. Even playing with a top tier character doesn't guarantee victory if the player is shit. Besides, their games are essentially like jobs to the characters. It's not about THEIR fun, it's about the players'. Also:
>Ralph is tired of his game? He just needs friends and a new outlook on life, but he plays an essential part of his game and he needs to stay there.


It's not about what Vanellope wants, its about what the players want. The girls who were playing Sugar Race Speedway when the steering wheel broke sought out Vanellope as their racer. What happens when the girls return to the arcade again and Vanellope isn't in the roster? Then again? How many times will they keep playing Sugar Rush to only be disappointed Vanellope isn't showing up? Eventually what would have been consistent business from a few loyal fans would subside. Without Vanellope, Sugar Rush is sentenced to a prolonged death.

If Vanellope cannot let a player control her, she probably shouldn't be in video games. At that point we gotta start questioning her purpose. All these video game characters are there to serve the player in their interactive experience. Vanellope is not going to be satisfied with any game for long at her current rate. It's a futile existence for her.

I hate Gogo. I thought she would be my favorite character, but she was such a bitch throughout the film. Complaining her technology wasn't fast enough in a nonchalant manner, refusing a hand to pull her up when she fell, chewing gum and sticking it on the dashboard. She's not cool, she's a cunt.

The issue with the princess scene is that they don't really address the meat of their collective issues. Complaining that men have to rescue them or wearing pajamas instead of dresses are surface-level criticisms. Why not complain about their lack of autonomy or recklessness (because it's not marketable)? Their kindness as a facade to cover their selfish motives? Or that being a princess doesn't make you special or different?

Sometimes when you take allegory too loosely things fall apart, like suddenly deciding they’re a father/daughter relationship and thus a key element to the story has to be “you gotta stop being an overprotective parent and let your child leave the nest” even if that translates oddly to the setting