Abusive fathers on Zig Forums

>Me as kid
>Haha Homer strangle Bart funny

>Me now
>Holy shit this guy is an abusive scumbag asshole why isn't he in jail?

Why are abusive scumbag fathers/father figures such a common Zig Forums thing?
Off the top of my head I can think of Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin,Gruncle Stan and that Dad in Chicken Little.

What others are there?
Do we need to stop glorifying them in Zig Forums media?

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Are you going to post that very fucking gay comic where Bart and Chris Griffin are gay lovers with issues?

Sneed's Feed and Seed: Formerly Chuck's.
Thank you for your time. You can proceed now.

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>Gruncle Stan
how the fuck is abusive

Watching the Simpsons and being offended that Homer is abusive is like watching Tom and Jerry and being upset that Tom is an attempted murderer. It is a cartoon. The actions are exaggerated. They’re obviously not acceptable in the real world, and it is missing the point if you hold them to real world standards to the point that you can’t enjoy the joke.

Uh he tortures his grandson just cause

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Grand nephew even

You wouldn't say this if it was lisa

He’s generally a bad role model and sometimes a little neglectful. Like he’s the kind of uncle that will hand a kid a box of fireworks with a big warning label on it saying “do not give to children.” Personally, I dunno if I’d go so far as to call it abusive, but in the real world that sort of thing is officially considered abusively negligent the second one of the kids shoots a firework into their own eye.

Knowing the state of this board I honestly can't tell whether this is bait or nor

Timmy's Dad

I think that's a complete false equivalence and you can't compare Simpsons to Tom and Jerry.

>Anything I disagree with is bait!

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Why should we care about how dysfunctional Homer's parenting is? It's a light-hearted cartoon, not a documentary. That's like watching Ed Edd n Eddy and getting legitimately upset because the main characters are constantly getting beaten and raped.

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Have you never been in a eddys big brother thread
Zig Forumsmblr gets legit triggered by that

So you became a humorless cunt who thinks comedies should be morality tales?

>Implying there would be something wrong with that
>Implying encouraging kids to strangle and abuse their children is good

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Why is it a false equivalency?

do you ever shut up nigga

I've never been bothered by the strangling and always just saw it as an exaggerated cartoon thing, but I kind of am bothered by Homer coming off as an alcoholic sometimes. I haven't watched the show, like old or new episodes, anytime recently, so I'm not sure how much it actually happens, but when they play him as LOL SO DRUNK I don't think I've ever found it funny.

Like it doesn't come off like King of the Hill or something where they drink often but getting actually getting really drunk is rare/a joke, it comes off like Homer legit has issues.

Zig Forums
>Peter beat up Meg bad!
Also Zig Forums
>Homer try to murder son good!

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>think of the children!
Kids shouldn't be getting their morals from a cartoon. That's what Mr. Roge- err, that's what parenting is for.

Nothing wrong with Meg getting abused either
>What are you looking at, it's a cartoon!

If your kids are getting their morals from the Simpsons, which isn't even strictly meant for children, you're failing as a parent.

What did he do?
I don't remember.

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I have maybe a dozen episodes of the simpsons watched, i dont particularly care for it but i dont recall any of the strangle scenes being made out to be good parenting. showing themes that exist in our own world as part of a cartoon is not "glorifying" it.

Wouldn't Sneed be the old guy in the store?

>Encourages physical abuse
>Encourages rape
>Encourages alcoholism

I could go on can someone just cancel this trash show already?

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It's done for comedy brainlet