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>Using Snoopy's sister as a soapbox

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good for them

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This was nice and wholesome, thanks OP.

Not dropping the white fursona with black spots and then using a white dog to represent white people makes it seems like she's mostly caucasian but for her ears and butt irl.

>Growing up black
>Is white

But seriously OP, where the fuck did this come from? Did you steal and post your little sister's social studies project?
This was made by a very young literal who and isn't particularly interesting so why did you post it?

Is this somekind of reverse Uncle Ruckus? That dog is white.

>society doesn’t love us

she probably means the other 12 year olds in Anime Club.

Afro americans need to get over their inferiority complex already. It's literally the number one thing holding them back. The main difference between europe and america is afro europeans generally don't default blaming someone else for their shortcomings.

I mean, it's cute and innocent but it's a little weird how despite all that the avatar is still white as snow.

So is this why they're so annoying? They're jealous of our accomplishments and to cope with it and convince themselves being black isnt a disability they center their whole lives around it so they can convince themselves they're proud to be that way?

I prefer the dogcat comic

Like that tan white lady that was in charge of the naacp or whatever?

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Lol. Did you do this?

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I was sort of expecting more to this than "I didn't like being black but now I do." In retrospect, I don't know why. I guess I just assumed they were going to put some kind of narrative to go along with the message.

Lewds when?


>I wanted to be white
>Is already pretty damn white

This was a nice, innocent read.



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There's porn of this dog, isn't there


The kind of people that have a prolonged existential crisis about their race and need to tell everyone about it usually aren't the types prone to nuanced thinking.

reading between the lines she still hasn't recovered from her racial inferiority complex. despite how much she shouts she loves being black she still draws herself as white.

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