WW thread

Is Wonder Woman worth saving? If she is - how we can save her? Or it's a lost cause and slippery slope into CW TV show tier?

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She's boring. Simple as.
The female pillar of DC is Harley Quinn now.

So - CW show when?

I love her in the swimsuit and when she is drawn with a fat ass. Skinny Gal Gadot does not do her justice.

Soon. Expect Daddario to play her because WB can't into casting.

>2 IPs
Hi Ladderbro.

Her ensemble is boring, her rogues are boring or forgettable, shes a Mary Sue and doesnt do anything better that Superman can do outside of minor h2h skill. Kill her off for a decade or two.

Psycho is good, I like him.

She's not, there's a lot of sophistication to her character, but people don't know how to write her so it comes off as white noise.

I say - make her Xena-like and fight her battles in Middle-earth like setting. She lives in Valinor-like island anyway. That would be something different. She works in modern times as a member of a team. But solo adventures in fantasy world.

Are we ever gonna get this costume back broos I miss cooming to her

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That's one of the things I find good when it comes to change. Amazon queen and demigoddes in cheesy swimsuit looks just... odd. I like her skirt better.

Make her solo run like Walt Simonson's Thor.

Walt Simonson actually tried writing Wonder Woman once. It turned out pretty crappy.

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Don't know nothing about Thor, but my recipe is - make her island way bigger, move it to Atlantic Ocean, populate it with dragons, giants, orcs and goblins, enemy tribes etc.

Lads, be totally honest with me: Is the show from the 70s worth a watch?

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WW is just a shitty character. Her supporting cast is shit, and so are the Amazons. Her origin story is fucking boring. I'm so glad on the cartoon, they just cut all that usual shit out and she comes when the world is about to be taken over by aliens after MM contacts them all.

>WW is just shitty character
It's Wonder Woman, not batwoman thread, user.
WW is a good character. Simple but OK. She is just misused and doesn't fit well into modern world.

Save for Justice League Action, and the New 52 there's nothing wrong going on with Diana, and if you just assume post BvS, there's really nothing wrong at all, but everything else is clicking

It bothers me that since the New 52 reboot back in fucking 2011 Wonder Woman has suffered nothing but awful character assassination in all kinds of media to the point where Zack Snyder's rendition is one of the better ones.

Because the character was a joke, like the token superhero for the girls. Then she became a bigger joke as Woman of Murder everywhere. Wanna know why Zack Snyder's version was better? Because she wasn't some Mary Sue goddess of lollipops spreading love with her sword. She was some kind of sexy socialite-type or something, which is why you can have her interact with in those fancy settings with Bruce Wayne.

Yeah, the high-society dwelling museum curator was a really good background. The long-lived immortal with tons of experience among mankind too, while i'm at it. Made her come off as classy and in control.

I read Wonder Woman / Conan by Gail Simone, and it was great. First Gail comic I've liked.

>Amazon queen and demigoddes in cheesy swimsuit looks just... odd

So there's an army of women wearing the same clothes?

I'd watch a show about Mouse Man trying to do the same thing every night.

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taking inspiration from saint seyia ?

>So there's an army of women wearing the same clothes?
Yes, my comiclet boy

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She's wearing a skirt there, not a swimsuit.

not really.
But a Zig Forumsntrarian will post some coomerwebm and that would make it good I guess

They took the bondage element from her. If i become a comic book writer i'll do a story that fully explore the full potential of the BDSM life-style as a virtue and way of life.

it's a uniform

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not after that flick

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I love it but some people are too stupid to see its qualities so I won't even argue

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I like the Rebirth costume more.

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Finally an excuse to post this

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How does that refute the idea that the skirt is a good choice?

She's a literal Amazon, she should be seven feet tall and ripped.

was user trying to refute it?

One thing i never understood, why aren't the amazons nudists? They're all female, gorgeous, and immortal. They're to be and do whatever they want in a secluded island, and they still wear clothes? That doesn't jive.