How would he do in Marvel?

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Carol would beat him up and then toss him in jail

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Erased from existence by one of their fifty thousand abstract cosmic entities.
Revived as a hip teen and then killed off in the first issue of a mini to raise the stakes.

he's permanently killed offpanel by frank

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It would be underwhelming, I kinda doubt modern marvel can deliver a story like the death of Superman, that essentially guts the superhero community

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I remember someone saying there were barely any telepaths in DC, so I guess one of those would be able to stop him if there's no indication he has any resistance.

In the new Death of Superman movie Martian Manhunter couldn't do anything to his mind since Doomsday is essentially mindless

He’d get killed. The real fun starts when the Marvel heroes get infected with the Doomsday Virus.

No she wouldn't

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Silver Surfer would end him.
Or any of the bigger magic users; Dr Strange, Dr Doom, etc.
Anybody with powerful telekinetics could render him helpless just by taking him off the ground (or can he fly? I don't remember).
I'm sure there's some version of the 2million different hulks that could tear off his head and shit down his neck.
Any of the characters that are good at creating portals to different places and/or times would make short work of him.
In short, his life expectancy would be limited.

Doomsday is immune in the same way Plastic man is immune, he doesnt have a traditionally functioning brain really dont understand Doo.sday huh?

There were telepaths in the JL team that were the first to fight Doomsday.
Didn't matter.

Well, Doomsday is sort what Immortal Hulk is portrayed as these days, but with the addition or the mutant Darwin's powers.
He is unkillable, and evolves defenses for whatever killed him last. If he happens upon Hulk and dies, he will come back much stronger and durable. If Captain Marvel kills him, he will come back with immunity to her powers, maybe cancelling them out. If the Silver Surfer kills him, the MU would have a huge problem. The good thing is that there are many magical and weird dimensions he can be banished to, but basically he would be similar to a biological Ultron, never really defeated, only thwarted or banished.

I suspect he would be a cosmic threat like Galactus but rudderless, being kicked out of planets that are capable of doing so and utterly destroying the others until he can escape their gravity.

>marvel cosmic entities

>nu52 Doomsday

user, cleanse yourself of such filth.

Hulk already killed Doomsday several times. Doomsday is just too stupid to realize that he can't beat Hulk.

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Spider-man kicks his ass, web him to a lamppost, and then swing away.

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Being in Marvel universe where the heroes are significantly more powerful and violent, it traumatized Doomsday to the point that he developed ptsd. Placed in a superhuman asylum where he remains until his death.whenever that might be.

Has someone tried to possess Doomsday yet?

He’d still be gay and boring.

I have Doomsday as a character, but I always thought he would make a cool Omega class mutant and as an Xmen villain

Telekinesis doesn't work on Doomsday

Doomsday ain't shit compared to Car-El. Car-El is the last daughter of Krypton and the heir to the El family. Car-El is the most powerful being on 616 Earth and the most important being in the entire multiverse. Car-El with the Captain Marvel Thought Robot saved the multiverse from Super Dark Shuma-Gorath.

Faster than a Time Gem! More powerful than a Power Gem! Able to leap reality in a single bound! Look, up in the sky! It's a Falcon! It's a Quinjet! It's Car-El!

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Based and Car-ell pilled

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Class of mutant != power level

It'd be a lazy do-over of the Onslaught plot but with a less interesting villain, and Onslaught is not an interesting villain.

Doomsday is pretty weak.

His powers need to be similar to Darwin's but dialed to 11, in that the longer you fight him, the more durable he becomes, kind of like the Anti-Hulk, like if the two fought it would be an endless battle

Carol is just a would-be Captain Atom, and even he's stronger than her.

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Posting Jooberseid is only hurting Doomsday's credibility.