
Post bug character designs and don't argue about the definition of the term "bug" because insects and arachnid themed designs are welcome ITT as well

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I remember a western cartoon that came out in the 90s that had a bunch of bugs with spanish accents. I think it was a CBS cartoon..... cant remember

It's hard to beat a classic, though I feel his latest appearance in Batgirl was done well.

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Abner Jenkins would like a word with you

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This was the best version of him. Change my mind.

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He lacks stylish henchmen. Therefore he is the worst version.

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He's cool, but also very different from who Killer Moth actually is. I had an idea of bringing him to the main DCU as a new character, using the name Charaxes, which is the name KM used when he was a mutant.

Isn't he Mach XXX or something now? Besides, he's been replaced by a girl. :p

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>Post bug character designs

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My idea: The REAL Drury Walker deliberately leaked his own identity on the dark web to obscure his true identity, and has encouraged a hobgoblin-esque passing of his mantle to obfuscate efforts to arrest him. Therefore there are multiple Moths operating at any given moment.

There have been multiple Beetles right?


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loyal moth babies > assholes who abandon you when your cocoon gets foreclosed

Best Lady Bug.

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Heh. I misread that as "loyal moth babes".

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For me, it's Ant-Man

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Could be fun. Like that three Jokers shit, but with various depictions of Moth. One his canon goofy self, another the badass he could’ve been if he got to change with the times like the other Rogues with more exposure, and then the freaky mutant.
One for each Batgirl. Poetic.

>Spider Girl presents
Based Mayday.

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Isn't that already kind of canon?

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Here's a home-grown bug.

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Based. I really loved the new run. I also love that Scott is canonically both Floridian and a felon. I see what you did there Marvel, and I love him more because of it. Ant Man was made to fight AIM.

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This was the best version of Firefly in any Batman media. Change my mind.

>I also love that Scott is canonically both Floridian and a felon.
Isn't that redundant?

My idea was more one of Killer Moth getting his own Moth family to mirror Batman's family with various bug themed villains such as Firefly and Tiger Moth, with this new Charaxes being pretty much just Killer Moth from the TT cartoon.

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