JSA Storytime: Transformers

Good evening owls and robofuckers,

I think this is right

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Action Man should become a permanent character.

Hello, Storyteller.

Cartoony artstyle is always going to be just plain better for these IPs.

It's my favorite time of day again!

Yes. Ian is Best Human since Verity left the franchise.

Man I miss the Wrecker comics. The last one made me sad.

Saw Elon Musk's meltdown and the "Fuck Anne Frank" discourse today, I fear what Online is becoming.

Quarantine is breaking brains and it's gonna keep happening. fun times

Hey OP.
I am gonna have to leave later because BTO's TCB.

He does, until IDW1 dies, I think.

Our brains were already broken. This is like, where we're going we don't need brains to post.

Becoming? It's been this way for years.

It's kind of sad, looking back, Social Media was invented as a way to bring people closer together... but all it seems to do is just give people more reasons to hate each other.

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Huh? Is Elon Musk shitposting Confederate Anne Frank /his/ memes in real life now?

The Wreckers books are serious gut-punches. Still mad at Prowl for surviving them.

>Elon Musk's meltdown
I swear he does it on purpose to drop stock prices so he can get more shares.

>the "Fuck Anne Frank" discourse
I don't even want to know.

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What did he do? I always considered him stupid as shit. And "fuck Anne Frank" sounds like that /his/ meme or wherever that fuck came from.

Elon Musk wiped billions of $$$ of Tesla by shitposting. Again. And also he's posting the US national anthem in a quarantine protest and has changed his avatar to a Deus Ex shot.

The Anne Frank thing was the guy fronting Black Hammer calling Anne Frank a 'Becky' and saying fuck Anne Frank because WW2 genocide is lionized as significant over colonial genocides.

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It just revealed what social behavior truly is: validation seeking nonsense and attention whoring.

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>all it seems to do is just give people more reasons to hate each other

It does seem to have accelerated the internet's ability to turn people into clique of raving assholes, yes.

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There's way too much shit going on here for me to follow.

Fun fact: thanks to dimensional shenanigans, Arcoyear's testicles are more commonly known as Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Mars.

me too, pretty much

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I still don't get why Windblade must be in this. That situation and role doesn't fit to her and she contributes 0 to the story. Why not some actual fighter like Impactor or something? Unless she is soved in again because of that whole OC marketing bullshit.

>I swear he does it on purpose to drop stock prices so he can get more shares

I think it's more that he's kind of an idiot who got lucky in the tech bubble and has managed to stay rich enough that no one challenges his dumb ideas.

Optimus is sick of everyone fighting each other for no reason
Same. Heroes fighting is the most obnoxious shit ever.

The Internet is merely a relatively new medium. Humans have always looked for excuses to shitfling. We never stopped being stupid monkeys.

Giant alien robots annex Earth, are opposed by two anti-terror teams one of whom uses vehicles reverse-engineered from said aliens but humanity is infiltrated by other aliens who shapeshift and now there are tiny aliens from a portal into a universe made by one of the giant robot aliens.

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>Unless she is soved in again because of that whole OC marketing bullshit.
Ding ding ding!

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She's not even the one who gets everyone to stop fighting and focus on the real threat, which would be fitting as she's a diplomat.

I love Windy, but she's blatantly here because lolmarketing.

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this is just a lot of shit blowing up

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Mass-communication innovations always lead to an upsurge in violence by increasing knowledge and memetic spread. In the 15th century printing press lead to a century of bloodbaths as the market for literature, newspapers, and pamplets exploded and competed for visibility. In the 20th century uni-directional mass-communication technology went hand-in-hand with the vision of highly centralized governments, each with their own means of subverting the will of the populace to serve the state. In the 21st century the false consensus of this model is eroding due internet being omni-directional.

Distance and firm boundaries are the most proven reliable method of preserving peace between different population groups. Swiss ethnic cantons are separated by distinct barriers of rivers and mountains. They're also the only legitimate basis for a kind of democratic consensus as they aren't derived from fantastical literary constructs like "the individual".

Not sure how that protects us from Transformers though. Unless you want to go full Linkola AnPrim.

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What social media did was causing bubbles and too much forced personal shit.
Back in the day when you wanted to see new fanart for something for example you simply observed a certain thread in a forum and stopped with this when you didn't want to anymore. Today you unfollow a person and this is always viewed as something very personal and some people will read things into that action that aren't there. Just one example, aside from the bubbles that happen automatically once people start to block people and mute every topic they don't like. Once you are in an echo chamber radicalizing is easy and everyone leaving will be viewed as enemy. Social media is made to turn people into assholes.

>... But he'll never forget me now.
I will forget about you the instant this event is finished.

Also, why is Kup 90s as fuck right now? Is this a Gen2 reference?

I'm following it fine, but I have more experience with chaotic action schlock than most.

I had uhhhhh 4 ciders this afternoon? socially distant front yard drinking party

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Yeah it really makes no sense regardless if you like or dislike her. It just makes her feel like somebody else and considering her personality and job she doesn't seem like the type to even leave Cybertron for too long.

That sounds cute, at least. I've only run into the occasional friend since quarantine started.

(Primus is such a nice bot)

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Ah, there we are: my drug of choice is blowing money buying my fiancee swimsuits so I can ogle her more.

Oh, that's why she's here, to wake up Metrotitan.

>Operation: Revolution
I must concur with that user who keeps bitching about the title. The title makes no sense, and having Soundwave say it isn't going to make it suddenly make sense.

Rare topless Soundwave.

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>got you
>never doubted it
Nice callback to the '86 film.

Ciders are something. Have a friend who is very sensitive to alcohol despite drinking a lot, the last time he drank a cider I had to explain to him he is shouting at bushes when we walked through the wood at night. He thought they were making fun of him.
I drank my first small cider when I was 4 because mother loved it and always let me taste everything. My city is known for its Äbbelwoi (Apfelwein/cider).