I accidentally made some hot chocolate in my pants...but no one is here to clean it up

i accidentally made some hot chocolate in my pants...but no one is here to clean it up..

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somebody help me! somebody help me please!! it's really stinky in here!

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maybe i can get it out myself...eewww! it smells so bad!

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oh noooo!!! it's everywhere!!! there's chocolate all over me!! mommy, daddy, help!! please!! anyone!!

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no one's ever coming back are they? mommy, daddy, chucky, phil and the others...they're all gone..... it's just me and my stinky... it's funny...the stinky actually smells better now...be my friend stinky, let's hug!

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it's ok stinky...sorry i was so mean to you... we'll just go to sleep until mommy and daddy find us..and then we'll be ok!

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what the fuck am I reading

Getting real binding of Isaac vibes from this thread

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What the fuck is going on in this thread?

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This is the fifth time this guy has posted his little copypasta, same images and everything, no one knows why the mods don't do anything

chapter 1 of let's get stinky completed yay!!! chucky is next to get in the action but that is for later. this is a New Story called Let's Get Stinky

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iam confused by the response to this. i posted it again this time hoping response would be better.

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I’m crying. Not from laughter, not from sorrow, but for the appreciation of fine art. I await for more!

maybe next time? i guess.

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really!!!! yay!!! you made me sooo happy!!!let's get Our Dancing Baby on!!!

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We should all pitch in to pay the lawyer fees required to check if this is illegal

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Cot death porn.
Though there's no cot involved.

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I need chapter 2 NOW!

This made me very happy

Are you the same dude that confessed to his gf that he thought he was Tommy Pickles?

whos that?

It's 4 in the morning. Why on earth are you making hot chocolate?

>Tommy Pickles died waiting for mommy and daddy

Because he lost control of his bowels

> "It was my fault, Dee Dee. I should have been there. I should have heard it. Smelled it, but I didn't. And everything it led to is on me."

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