You know the drill

You know the drill.

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No fuck you Batman! You can't just bully me into being creative, that's not how it works.

I don't see you working.

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fine give me a sec.

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I'm working on something

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Unfortunately I have an art block at the moment despite the coffee keeping me awake, unless you don't mind a mindless collab between Picasso and Salvador Dali.

Meh, I haven't been drawing for weeks now.

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Attached: crap.png (1189x843, 390.11K)

Attached: Untitled 1_14_16_29.png (2019x2064, 87.12K)

Tinkering with bun more, added bags under eyes so she looks perma tired as a means to differentiate her from the other clones. Now trying really hard to figure out if each clone has a power or if theres no powers on the clone side involved (and if theres powers i figure their eyes change color on power use, and each power type changes their default red eyes to type of color).

Attached: bun.png (1472x724, 230.01K)

Attached: walk.gif (992x713, 223.75K)

Another thing I'm working on, I don't know what to add tho.

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he's too angry to die

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I'm redesigning a character of mine and I can't decide on where to place the ears. Please help.

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middle looks more recognizably bat

Drew this last night while watching joe bob Briggs. Still trying to figure out the look for my elf/goblin story. The coloring of the elf is definitely a bad way to go.

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This is my second piece

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It's Zig Forums but my current WIP (that doesnt involve huge breasts). Feels like I'm still trying to find a flow when doing digital, than you know, working on fundamentals. Prefer to work on that on pen and paper really.

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Bumping because Drawabox is kicking my ass and I want to see what anons with actual talent can do.
Maybe if I hate myself enough I can use that energy to stop sucking dicks.
Or just break my hands and be done with this whole mess.

Inkin' comics.

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sketching a pro surfer OC of mine that I haven't touched in years.
Neat! Nice hands you've drawn/inked

Attached: surferideas_03.jpg (2480x2262, 2.03M)

Thanks! What's this for? A story or something? Looks very pro-level.

Nothing specific. I make up characters in my head and try to manifest them as best I can to my skill level, just so they exist outside of my dumb-mind. It was a while since I drew him last, I kind of wanted to see how I'd draw him today.


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Love that Yoshi.

>Everyone looking at All Might


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>anons mention having a S3 Wander episode about a random Blockbuster clerk and how he watches the only customer he ever gets slowly turn into pure fucking evil over the years without ever really getting the full scope of the situation since it's entirely from his POV
>like the idea so much that I drew him

I've been waiting for a Wander thread to pop up

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Bags under eyes are my fetish. Can I fuck her?

2 but make it a bit more angled to the left pointing back and up, 1 and 2 are just emotions depending on context.