End of Disney Channel

Disney has quietly been starting to shut down all Disney Channels worldwide, including XD and Disney Junior, in favor of Disney+ with no fanfare. The most recent was Italy which shut down all its Disney channel services today. Recent country shutdowns in the past year have included:
>Disney Channel
Australia and New Zealand
>Disney Jr
Australia and New Zealand
Netherlands and Flanders
>Disney XD
Australia and New Zealand
United Kingdom (only +1 service shutdown for now)

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This is good.
Fuck TV.

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Based Pepe


Attached: ohyeahmrkrabs.gif (353x201, 3.84M)

so disney channel is going back to being a paid service? crazy

Disney was useless anyway.

I've never had cable, so this doesn't effect me.

And when I mean it's ended unceremoniously it really ended unceremoniously
Disney Channel Italy quite literally ended by cutting off a Mickey Mouse short in the middle of it to say the channel no longer exists

>mediocre content
>all the classics are blu ray rips with the godawful filter
>disney expects people to subscribe to D+ with nothing besides the mandalorian and a gorillion forgotten shows nobody cares about or movies everyone has seen a gorillion times
Its one of those ventures you can tell was made by coked out executives that can't think creatively to save their lives, and also appears to be a good idea if you don't have any knowledge to how people become attracted to your products.
I still refuse to subscribe since all the fucking older animated films are the godawful bluray versions, when I still have a shitload of VHS tapes laying around with objectively better quality.

Disney hasn't really cared about anything besides money since Eisner left. He was the last person that actually had a sense of adventure and showmanship that headed the company.

In paper it isn't a bad idea. They know tv is dying, so cut the losses and move all the content to streaming where you still can make some revenue
Where it becomes bad is they solely rely on the Mandalorian as their marquee show, have literally no other "big" shows, fail to promote other shows like Caballeros as even existing on there despite that beefing up your originals numbers, have shows like Clone Wars only come back for a short time so it's not worth staying on for more then a month, and relying on a back content everyone has already seen
It's the typical corporate execution that's dogshit




Not to mention its just them trying to play catch-up to every other streaming service considering they were previously licensing out content to them until they realized they'd rather start their own service. Disney's having another identity and leadership crisis and yet again has over-extended themselves trying to dominate too many markets. Remember when disney was just a film company with a couple theme parks? they don't either. They've moved past their roots in just the film/animated entertainment industry, and are shackled with the parks (which only exist as a side effect of walt's self-serving but well-meaning autism) and while the parks are profitable to a degree, they are also gigantic fucking money pits to expand and upkeep. coupled with their aggressive expansions into trying to acquire every single big long-running IP in hollywood, the company has too much shit going on, and not enough actually creative or caring people to put their foot down on any of this shit because they just keep seeing dollar signs and keep up the "sunken cost" fallacy. Fuck's sake they don't even do proper 2D animation anymore.
its just another wannabe "too big to fail" company that is hoping that boomer nostalgia and zoomer marketing will keep them going forever, and if they can't turn a profit in one company, they can loot one of their other tentacles for a quick cash injection.
I honestly hope they start getting back to their roots but they probably won't.

I wonder if Disney will consider tearing down the parks eventually?

This is a good news for Adults but a bada news for kids.
TV doesn't have Elsagate and other extremely Low budget cartoons which makes Kids retarded and addicted.


TV deserves to die

kill yourself

Never gonna happen, those parks are a huge chunk of their income.

Disney Channel started as a premium channel. Fitting it shift to streaming.

New here?

Never liked Disney channel. Boring and liberal.

Nice joke.



Italian here, can confirm, we're about to make the jump to streaming in my family but we know next to nothing. We still want to keep Sky exclusives but we also want to pay less. I suggested to my family a combo pack of Netflix, Disney+ and NOW Tv, which is basically Sky's streaming service, but the cheapest prices for each of them would force us to pay 60 euros a month. We're looking for cheaper solutions. You have any?

I already paid for it in the first place. I think this is a big L as seen here Kek you made me laugh but that wasn't funny. At all.

Pre-Eisner Disney wasn't useless at all.

Based Italian

>We're looking for cheaper solutions. You have any?
Stop watching the Electric Jew?

Why repeat yourself?

Would anyone miss it?