ITT: scenes that could never be made today

ITT: scenes that could never be made today

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That was pretty funny.

that scene is funny, those captions are cringy as fuck

>making fun of misguided liberals fetishizing black people?? Could never happen today!

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The scene in Fritz is fucking based whereas Get Out is cringe

Makes you wonder who... was behind the pushing of these ideas and opinions and why were they nowhere to be found before the early 1900s.

>it perfectly sums up modern white women.
why ruin a funny scene with this incel description

they could and would as a storyboard
Even the furry part guaranteed

white woman and at a smaller ideal scale cult leaders

Somebody post Robert Crumb's racist comics.

this post perfectly sums up modern libtard white wymyn.

>Jewish people are the closest to black people
Indeed, that's why Semite people were the first ones to start enslaving blacks long before whitesois ever rediscovered Africa, and Semite cultures taught the whitesois in the first place that blacks were the best to use as slave labor while imparting ant-black sentiments.

Imagine being black and knowing that white women could only ever like you out of pity or guilt. It's like being rich and never knowing if people like you for you or your money, except you know it's always out of guilt/pity, and at the end of the day when all is said and done, you're not rich, you're black.

Stop moving the goalpost
>ahaha x thing could never happen
>actually there was the same thematics in y

>man's handle is literally 'Nigggggggggguh'
>posts about 'modern white women'
>looks up to a character in an old cartoon who BTFOd the hoes fawning all over him, written by a white man

things are sad

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One was done by a hugely successful based white man without a care in the world, the other was made by a salty failed black comedian, the divide is clear

You're forgetting the "exotic, forbidden" aspect of it, which has nothing to do with pity or guilt, but because you're an object of fetishism to them: the strong, savage, virile nigger with a big dick who'll ravage their innocent pink pussy. It's so TABOO, what would mommy and daddy think?!

> written by a white man
truely an intellectual ahead of his time!

It's almost like a person of race is capable of making poignant critiques on modern societal issues, and people of other races (including the one depicted) are able to agree. What a fucking notion in 2020.

That's still spite and not a genuine attraction

Imagine being a bitter white virgin and genuinely believing that. The truth is that you're just not that appealing buddy.

>the scariest thing to Jordan Peele is whites being friendly or indifferent about their blackness.
really nigga?

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>Ralph Bakshi
He's jewish.

>Ralph Bakshi
>Jordan Peele
Look man we all understand this is Zig Forums and we're supposed to hate niggers, but let's not make up bullshit that's easily debunked. We're all living on the internet, Google is literally opening a tab away; it's easy to contrast just how much Bakshi's net worth is vs. Peele's, how much profit Get Out did vs. Fritz the Cat, and which person has more outstanding accolades.

bro, this mans whole life probably revolves around behind black and wishing white hoes flocked to him like he sees in media

...yes? That was the entire point of what I said? Did you think that I was glorifying that type of thinking, especially here, in this thread, with the OP video being what it is? I'm pointing out that pity and guilt aren't the only reasons white women want black dick.

No, you don't GET it, man. Blacks have to worry about being pulled over and hassled by the man. It's totally different than whites who have to worry about muggings, rapes, murders, armed robbery, breaking and entering, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time and getting knock-out gamed!

>t. white dude in Washington, DC - fuck niggers

If that's what you took from Get Out, you're just stupid.

I know someone else who's not appealing

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You're making assumptions which are coming out of left field.
>black man posts animation of white women fawning over black guy with stereotypes and thinly-veiled racism
>clearly presented as negative
>"Bro this man's whole life probably revolves around wishing white hoes flocked to him"
Strong mental gymnastics there.

Peele wasn't successful before Get Out dummy, we're talking about the motivation for the media and how it comes through in the depiction of the same subject

>living in Washington DC
>not moving anywhere in Montgomery county
>not moving to Tyson's Corner
>complains about the blacks
You've only got yourself to blame, faggot.

did you reread my original comment after i replied to you? or does your memory only hold on to the most recent one you read?
im saying you can TELL what kinda person he is by everything about him, and ive met ppl like him before.