What are the most unique protagonists in kids cartoons

>Dan vs. has a middle aged bitter pedophile as it’s main character.

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I'm pretty sure Hortense is legal. She is of marrying age.

even if she wasnt, being attracted to a teen who went thru puberty doesnt make one a pedophile
unless youre referring to the age GAP, in which case its STILL creepy regardless of if she's almost legal or barely legal

Dan hada crush on her since the first season, when she was 14.

Attached: Hortence_age_confirmed.png (456x228, 17.09K)

dan's based. i like to think the burger guy did die of a heart attack and dan moved in like he planned.

I never watched Dan VS. but didn't that faggot get btfo by Zig Forums in the gym episode?

>Old dude pop a heart attack once she poped those little titties out for the first time
>As he is siezing on the floor she is loving looking at a picture of Dan
>She gets to give him a great life

it's so romantic!

Yeah, I'm thinking pretty based

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Dan is middle age? Pretty sure he's in his 30s at most

dan's eternal rage will probably kill him in his fifties so for him he's middle aged

I refuse to rewatch this short because this whore married someone else besides dan and dan didnt get with anyone

haha looks like they made a cartoon about you Zig Forums haha lol

Does Dan really deserve anybody, except Chris

Only shit she was that young?

I enjoy that Dan Mandel still shitposts daily on the official Dan Vs facebook page to this very day.

>literally how almost every reasonable person thinks

has the bar been dropped so low

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Jesus Christ Henry

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Fourteen is fine?

That's not true! Dan has a friend...

again its not about age, its about appearance. if a 14 y/o went thru puberty and looks adult, youre not a pedo for being attracted to her

I mean, she's still fourteen either way.

pedo cope

Absolutely he does plus i see alot of myself in him and i want a GF someday

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There's no way Dan could be middle aged, he seems to be in his 20s

>its ok to be attracted to (not ACT on ur attraction) to someone if they DONT look like a child
>so ur attracted to children??
why do i bother

Attached: dora is dead.png (400x400, 294.02K)

Apparently he's around 38.

>I never watched Dan VS
This is clearly a mistake, and you need to rectify it post haste. There's folders in the archive, and they're easy to find.

holy shit

It's the age of consent over here in most of the civilized part of the world.

bit of a newfag, what archive


every board has an archive of past threads. search for mega threads one of them probably has dan vs

Go here and read the OP.
Also, filter the namefagging retard instead of listing to his shitty bait advice.

im guess none were posted this time round?

I think it's more unique that he was on-screen raped by a grizzly bear.

Read the OP in the thread I linked, you doublenigger. If you still can't find the ARCHIVE then you're beyond help.
What Namefag McRetard linked you to is not actually an archive, it's just where dead threads on blue boards stay for a week before getting deleted.