Batwoman hate thread? Batwoman hate thread

Whole concept of batwoman as a character is shit-tier. First of all, she was created for a wrong reason - to make incerase diversity in DC product. Two - she's a direct rip-off. She isn't her own heroine, she is literally BATMAN WITH VAGINA. With batgirl it kinda had some sense, since batgirl was just batman's sidekick, but batwoman isn't a sidekick. The very existence of this character plays dow the character of Bruce Wayne, made all his effort to become batman pointless, he apparently wasted time, because ANYBODY with some training can be batman.

Attached: batwoman.jpg (1200x550, 327.1K)

Quick reminder of batman history: his parents were killed when he was 8 and from this point of time he began his journey to become a batman. He trained martial arts all his life, travelled the world in search of knowledge of criminal mind, studied forensic science, for years infiltrated undercover Gotham's criminal underworld, invented his suit and his gadgets, batman's tactic and after all those years, all this effort, he became batman in age of circa 25. In other words - he spent all his early years, all his youth concentrating on one thing: becoming batman. Not to mention he is a genius and top class male speciment. Now, Kate Kane story. YOLO, kicked out of West Point for being gay, spent few years as an alcoholic, drug user and thot, one day she got mugged and was "saved" (of course she didn't need being saved, but fuck that) by batman, decides to become a vigilante, walks around in stolen battlesuit "fighting crime") for about a year, then daddy found out and sent her to sunday karate class a.k.a. "special ops training" for 2 years. When she got back, he gave her batsuit and shit. WE BATMAN NOW. I mean, how much a person can learn in just two years, especially when it comes to martial arts? Even if we consider her being trained in West Point? Not super-hero level for sure! Again - it took Bruce Wayne around 15 years, but hey, an alcoholic and drug user roastie can totally master it in two years! PS. it is doubtful a woman would even survive Special Ops training - there's a reason no woman was EVER accepted into Navy Seal's selection called BUD/S.

Her being lesbian is apparently the most important thing about Kate character becuase it's shoved down our throats at every possible occasion (at least in books I've read). It was on the very first page of every book I've read (as a synopsis and "last time in "Batwoman" intro): kicked out of West Point FOR BEING GAY, she's a grieving daugher, brave soldier, yadda, yadda, yadda, PROUD LESBIAN, she's batwoman. Every. Fucking. Book. Why?? There isn't similar synopsis in batman's book - "he's heterosexual, white male etc". Well guess what, DC? I don't care who's sleeping with whom, I am really not interested in Kate's many relationship dramas. It's not why I am reading superhero comic books!
She's claiming she is nothing like batman, but she's dressing like batman, using batman's logo, her pseudonym is a variation of batman's, she is using similar gadgets and tactics. She literally stole batman's identity, including his freaking logo (!!!) for God's sake - and she is claiming she's NOTHING LIKE BATMAN?!

Get a hobby you dumb fuck.

This is my hobby, faggot.

oh great another casual thread.

Fuck off anti-batwomanfag

Someone get the Big Book of DC

Point one thing I am wrong.

Do you actually want people to discuss Batwomen and her flaws as a character/ conception or just try to incite outrage and anti-sjw rhetoric?

Porque no los dos?
But seriously, it is badly written character and literal bat-vagina. I don't think she can be fixed unless they overhaul entire character - her nickname included.

Because when your arguments devolve into just shit-talking about SJWs people aren't going to want to/going to take you seriously.

she spends alot of the show saying "ill never be as good as you, Bruce. Im not as smart as you"

Wasn't she created after DC comics got burned in court over that horrid "Wild World of Batwoman" movie?

Kate Kane was once retconned and I think she should get back into abyss

If not - make her, dunno, grand grand grand daughter of Bruce Wayne, heavilly augumented with cybernetic enhancements, in cyberpunk Gotham city. Tone a bit sjw propaganda. Give her real origin story, not shallow bullshit we have today.

Yeah. So important that they shitcanned a story where she would meet her ex boyfriend/fuckbuddy who had gone full supervillain .
Cheat on her girlfriend with him, then let him go at the end of the story because shes all guilty and hes able to get her to do basically anything.
Full harley and joker type shit.
But apparently she has to be a goldstar lesbian and bisexual is anathema to gay characters.
Didnt even matter that the guy was black for extra oppression points.

You are trying to hard OP

Get a less pathetic hobby, faggot.

In the show, which is bad in it's own right. But then again she's saying things like: this batsuit will be perfect if it fits woman or I will not allow to a man yake credit for woman's efforts.
I don't know, but I've read some interview with someone from DC and he said that she was created for diversity reasons

What the fuck are you doing on /co, fag?

Not being a stupid unhinged casual

Oh, so your hobby is way more pathetic, I get it now.

>constant capital casing
>shitty reddit meme lingo
>never spaces paragraphs
>tryhard sjw hate

I can't tell if this is a troll or not.

She literally said she might be a better Batman than Bruce.

OP may be obsessed but he's not exactly wrong about Batwoman being a dumb idea

>Her being lesbian is apparently the most important thing about Kate character becuase it's shoved down our throats at every possible occasion (at least in books I've read)
this is a lie
overall 3/10 bait, worst ted talk ive listened to

ITT: LGBT shills it's poster girl.

there's 15 posters in this thing?

>because ANYBODY with some training can be batman.
I mean, that's literally the situation that happened with Jean Paul Valley and Dick Grayson.

Never said I am a big fan of them either. With Grayson it's kinda easiee to swallow ot tho', since he was professional acrobat and then he was trained by batman for all those years and yet he never was depicted as being close to Bruce Wayne's level of skill. Being a sidekick (additional pair of hands to do things that batman didn't have to do by himself) isn't being solo vigilante tho'.

ITT : Zig Forums casuals who apparently never read the post-infinite-crisis era or '52' and therefore have no idea why Kate even started fighting crime. THERE WAS A WHOLE YEAR WHERE BRUCE JUST WENT ON VACATION AND GOTHAM NEEDED SOMEONE YOU FLAMING FAGGOTS.

Get a fucking life, or read ACTUALLY read what you're criticizing

Jean Paul valley was brewed up un a lab and built with alchemy and tortured as an inborn infant before being mentally abd physically molded into the thing he is.
Dick grayson was a beyongmd Olympics tier acrobat as a toddler and trained personally by batman since he was 12.