Johnny Test countdown

only a little over an hour left, come see what fresh new hell awaits us all

Attached: Johnny Test countdown.png (263x291, 89.51K)

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Ready your whips.


If there are no more than 20 whipcracks in the first episode I'm dropping the show

This show exists on another plane of reality. It feels like Canada made this to test out some captured aliens reception of Western media but decided to release it to the rest of the world after thinking they did a good job. The same stilted animation, guitar riffs, whipcracks, screaming make this feel like a constant loop of nothingness. Watching 10 episodes in a row today was a weird, almost dreamlike experience. Eventually I was unable to actually understand the dialogue because I was just completely sucked into this weird coma like trance where I only saw whatever was on the screen and it actually felt...good, like I needed more of it so I rewinded an episode to the beginning before the credits would roll so the experience would last longer, I felt like it was a good way to cheat out my mental system of watching 10 episodes of any cartoon a day. Around 6 episodes in I put on William Basinski's Disintegration Loops to layer over the show and see if it'd add to this feeling I had and my fucking god it did. I think Scott fellows knew this, I think this is what the show was meant for. This is literally better than masturbation in terms of pleasure I can feel from media. I was just sitting on my couch with my mouth wide open letting drool drip down my chin like a fucking monkey. it was insane, but I didn't know it was insane while I was in what I could only describe as a Johnny test zone.

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Yeah, I know. I sound fucking crazy but try it dude. Really just try it. I'm honestly contemplating on doing acid or some crazy shit while watching this fucking terrible show on loop because I feel like I've lost a certain humanity in me, it's dumb to say but this was a literal life changing moment. Like I feel like the alien I said this show was made to test out on. My psychiatrist wants to talk with me later today but I'm honestly scared because this was the only thing that really honest to god has stuck with me during this quarantine and I'm afraid she'llthink that I've honestly lost it. And I wouldn't deny it either,, wait on second thought don't try it because you probably think I'm nuts right now and don't wanna end up like me but I just thought I'd post this since Johnny test is coming back real soon and you guys would like to hear something related to him. Maybe this is all because I haven't slept in days, I've started to hear random conversations I've had in the past in my head heavily reverbed out of nowhere sometimes and it drives me nuts so I'm going to get some rest right now and see if anything will change goodnight Zig Forums.

>The video countdown just stopped
Is Johnny the ultimate troll?

Reboot or what?

>countdown keeps resetting to 5:46

Looks like they recasted Johnny



It looks worse than ever. Holy shit.


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There's also an Adventure Time Johnny there

I like how the description gives a very lengthy explanation of Johnny and Dukey

Into The Johnny-verse

Is Dukey the same? He sounds somewhat similar.

Attached: Upboat_Rick.gif (1280x720, 1.79M)

ah, the whipcrack and terrible production hurts so good.

>comments are turned off
oh right, fucking faggots

>Fleenstone Johnny
>Steamboat Johnny
>Tommy Pickle Johnny
>Pickle Johnny
>Adventure Time Johnny
>PowerPuff Johnny
"BoJohnny HorseTest

I thought it would be a company’s hilariously bad attempt to reboot it, but this is even better

That's not them that's COPPA

>only like 8 whipcracks
>it's not even the same whipcrack sound clip

Attached: AAI_Franziska_von_Karma_Angry_1.gif (256x192, 78.71K)

Do we have a whipcrack counter for the episode?

Everyone was, apparently.

I don't know if i can take a new bling bling boy voice

i see no new hell

only a perpetual countdown

This is wrong.

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They made him really eager to fuck himself didnt they

>mfw I think this short is better than anything post-Season 1
Must be the low amount of whipcracks fucking with my head.

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