Is there any good apolitical or at least conservative comics out there...

Is there any good apolitical or at least conservative comics out there? I just read Black Bolt's Omnibus and holy fuck it's bad, it's loaded to the brim with political undertone to a point that I'm almost wondering if Saladin Ahmed does it for passion of comics or just to get some left-wing babes.

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When I was a kid, the culture was conservative, so to be edgy you were liberal.

Now, even though we have a conservative administration, the culture and media are very much liberal. So you little pissbabies are being conservative to be edgy.


I love how I started my statement with apolitical and you just decided to completely ignore that.

so, what point are you trying to make papi?

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No really no, comics were created by liberals, Superman krypton backstory and his passion for the american way was created to combat anti immigration prejudice.

modern 'liberals' are still very much conservative in their actual nature. "conservative" and "liberal" are not just political affiliations, and most liberals nowadays only support ideals that are traditionally associated with being liberal, while being very close minded and conservative about them


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(Distractive coverage and barely mention of the mayday general strike)

The majority of media isn’t liberal, its corporatist with lip service liberal pandering.

What was the difference again?

The writer of Power of Stardust is a magapede.

both are codespeak for NO NIGGERS

>conservative comics
I know you people like to go "CONSERVATIVES ARE BEING OPPRESSED", but the reason conservative media isn't popular is because it isn't funny or entertaining. Nobody actually like conservativsm genuinely. There's no money in it to be made.

the current Wally Flash is a guy who run fast and so he is faster than every universe and it doesn't have anything political.
So here you go

>Superman krypton backstory
Was a biblical allegory. Something that modern liberals care nothing about unless they can deconstruct it.
>and his passion for the american way
Like religion, nationalism is also a conservative value.

The fact of the matter is that liberals of years past were not as "liberal" as modern liberals. Today's libs are extremist. Today's libs would call past libs alt-right and cancel them. So to claim that "comics were always liberal" is kind of a misleading argument.

Well, since you didn't ask for "good" comics you could read anything that came out from Comicsgate.

>the reason conservative media isn't popular is because it isn't funny or entertaining.
The Blue Collar Comedy group was extremely popular for a long time. There is an audience for it. It's just that they don't have a platform for it anymore.


Superman had a clean all American hero who fought thieves and bad guys. He's exactly opposite of what liberals love. It starts in a wholesome small town in the country. He's very altruistic which is another thing liberals hate. I'd say SUPERMAN early comics is definitely Conservative. You won't find gays and lesbians and men act like men and women are women.

We are in a culture war and liberal Jews seized all of the media. Nobody wants to see homos kiss yet you guys keep trying and pushing for it in all your stuff you own.

Exactly, my grandfather was an atheist Democrat of the past who would literally not think twice killing the liberals of today.

Magi: the Labyrinth of magic

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American Way is directly linked to immigration what was always a progressive value.

This one is beautiful and illustrated by female artists. It also sticks close to the original story and is devoid of ulterior motives. I have zero clue as to what the artist's politics are, which is refreshing.

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>The majority of media isn’t liberal
Find me one instance of media being conservative then.

Nothing is apolitical. What you mean is "non preachy". Or at least, not consciously/deliberately political.

I have a question, what are conservatives trying to conserve? It can't be nuclear families (that's a dream); it can't be religion oligarchy (people sin no matter what); it can't be about maintaining independence/self-reliance because you undercut funding to schools, libraries and other access to information (like not making internet a utility); and it cannot be based on merit because you all turn around and hire your fuck ass family members. So what are you are trying to conserve?

Saladin is an indoctrinated radical propagandist, as well as a disgrace to the man he was named after.

>that's a dream