Waifu thread

Charts or just the one, all are welcome

>What would you and your waifu have bingewatched? Would she have been one of THOSE people in lockdown i.e. learned how to play an instrument/build a table/the art of sculpture?

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We'd watch some anime shit or some horror movies.

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I'd have us watch a good (animated) series, maybe read a manga

As good as she is and a much as i like her, the shows she's shown to watch leave to be desired

Nothing, she would've left.

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What do i do if i only have one waifu?

pick one? pick all, go for it

>Mods deleted my brapposting.

I guess I'll roll

Elements? I don't know what is the difference between users... So I'll guess uh, water? She interacts with water plenty of times. More than the average show.


I used to be obsessed with smelling girls asses and braps and farts and stuff like that. Mostly thanks to this board probably. But it leaked over into real life. I was at a coffee house one afternoon working on my computer and this cute cardio bunny came in from the gym next door. Wearing yoga pants workout shirt with sweaty hair. Anyway she walks in and instead of going to the counter heads straight for the family bathroom. She goes in and closes the door. She's in for a good 10 minutes. I am just picturing her beautiful ass and what she is doing in there. Its really turing me on. So finally she unlocks the door and just kinda rushes out of the coffee house. I jump up and head to the restroom, I haveto admit I am already slightly hard cause I cant wait to "imagine the smell". So anyway I get in the bathroom and as I am closing the door take my first deep breath. The smell hits me like a ton of bricks. Its absoltuely horrid. It smells like death and rotting food and garbage. I close the door and walk over to the toilet. I try to picture her shitting and how perfect her body was as a lean down and sniff the toilet. Im not kidding, I almost threw up. IT was way too strong. I pulled my pants down and tried to masterbate but there was no way i was getting hard. I washed my hands and walked out. Got my computer and left.

Let this be a lesson to you guys, sometimes stuff is funny on the internet and we get sucked in, but never never never meet your heros. You are better off living in the fantasy cause the reality is GRIM!.

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Let's see.

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Definitely would bingewatch some police procedural series or a cop drama. She'd work on her drumming and dabble a bit with a guitar to show her band how much she improved once it was all over.

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Probably watch the history channel since it would be cool to talk about the stuff she was there for. She would spend her time learning instruments mainly the ukulele

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Frankly, being stuck inside a house for a long period is exactly how to kill her kind.

Unless she has something to do, like videogames or movies. So...she'd probably just do that.

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this is fuckin' gay

well Zig Forums is the gayest board, so... yeah. apt.

Roll, should be fun to fuck around with.

A chart is not a harem. It is an alloy of everything that you find desirable in a waifu.

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Yet there are multiple characters which you classify as a waifu.

'Waifu' is a title that should only be bestowed to one - THE Waifu.

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or coud be a harem, which you and your waifu rule with an iron fist,
>they all stare at the one true waifu, knowing they'll always be second place

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Nah, you have one true waifu, while the rest are just the ones you and your waifu casually fuck when either of you need a good orgasm.

And the occasional orgy.

yeah, thats a harem

To me, my chart shows who my waifu would be in that particular universe. Pantha takes centre square because she ticks a lot of boxes that some of my waifus don't. I don't see them as a harem - hell, the closest my mind can get is some kind of sitcom where they're all living together. Sorta like The Golden Girls, but replace the old with SWOLE.

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That you share with your waifu.

for me is just my waifu and characters I like almost as much, she doesnt have all the qualities of the others, she just resonates with me the most. I'm not against harems, but I prefer the idea of building a mercenary group or a survivors on a wasteland
not being born in the age of holodecks is a sad thing

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user, you might be more into facesitting.