Age Of Ultron Appreciation Thread

Is Zig Forums ready to admit that it is the best Avengers film?

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There Ultron was cool and all but it wasn't the real Ultron which I would have preferred

How is that possible when it's the worst?

probably not the best but I do think it's better than the first

It's not just the worst, it made me loathe Joss Whedon for acting like a bitch about the reviews.

Age of Ultron is the best MCU film, because it's about a superhero team doing superhero stuff. It's not about the team forming, or breaking, or reforming, it's them on their regular job. It's a cartoon episode, a comic arc.
It's a superhero story that happens to be made with a big budget and famous actors, not a big budget movie with famous actors that happens to be about superheroes.
My favorite MCU film hands down.

b-b-but twitter told it was good....

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Infinity war>Endgame>Avengers>ultron

What does that mean?

The film is fine but this was when the quips started to become a problem, for me at least.

This movie also helped to make pic related absolutely based and untouchable in the MCU.

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Something I've noticed recently is that Snydercut and other DC fags are now claiming that this and Thor 2 are actually good and MCU fags are dumb because they don't see it

Didn't have Carol in it so that's wrong

Death scene was a tearjerker?
What's with these faggots crying over every single fucking thing?

I just wish Ultron was better. Everything else was fine or even great but I can't stand Ultron when he's quipping wit his dumb lips.

Nah, that would be the first one

That's actually why it's good


>4 proofs that AoU was good
>only one of them has to do with the story

I think AoU is such a mystifying film because it's the MCU film that all other studios keep making when they fuck up an cinematic universe film. It's a film that stuffs too much in, and yet has to constantly set up so many future films.
>>They name drop Wakanda
>>They have Cap and Iron Man argue to set up Civil War
>>Thor has a big ass vision about Ragnarok, even going to a pool to see stuff about it and shit.
>>The Infinity Stones stuff.
In fact, let's talk about this scene:
Iron Man stops the film to start talking about the aliens that are going to come back for Infinity War. This conversation has no real purpose to be part of the films narrative other than to set up the future film. Hell, the film tries to explain the infinity stones when there's no narrative reason to explain them within the movie.
The big studio heads were so fucking concern to have their big Avengers sequel focus on setting up the future films that it completely diminishes the film you're watching. Age of Ultron is a giant advertisement for Phase 3 of the MCU, and it's kind of bizarre how little tension there is in the film because the film explicitly told the audience "everything is going to work out okay because we've told you what's coming up after this film"

What kills me about Ultron is that they got James Spader to be the voice, yet he's so wasted.

In fact, the other thing that bugged me in the film was that it was really fast paced in the bad way. Dialogue flows so fast in this film, you can't really keep track of details they're spitting out, it reminded me of "Cloning techniques, secrets only the Sith knew". The film also has a lack of establishing shots, so we get moments like Thor breaking through some rocks to be underneath Sokovia, or the way Captain America goes from the South Korean Lab to teleporting onto the Highway. Then there are deleted scenes like the kid saying there's a metal man in the church, which is why Wanda and Pietro investigate it, and why Wanda says "I thought that...nevermind"

It's just a weird film that kept putting in so much stuff but took out the parts that transition you to understand the pieces. Like, imagine a puzzle but most of the small nubs were missing, so you have these holes in the puzzle when completed.

All marvel movies are shit

Based HiTop, dunking on Shitgame while acknowledging the masterpiece that is Age Of Kino

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Shut up tommy

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>muh hindsight

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>Not Civil War

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>liking movies whose central point would be solved if rational people, who are close, just talked it out

>some faggot
>this terrible thing is awesome
>a thousand likes

I fucking hate twitter.

>says thing is terrible as if it is objectively true
You my friend are the faggot in this scenario

>talking it out in a movie about BANG BOOM QUIP WAHOO

gee m8 why didn't the IRA just talk it out??

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Excellent summary. Everything about the plot felt like things happened "because the script said so" with almost none of it feeling natural.

i still read Ultron as Spader but more like how the initial trailer presented him.