how would you rank the TMNT cartoons Zig Forums?

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This is sexist

And racist

and ageist

I'm a biologist


do ya get the gist?

no, time for me to make a fist!!

I'm in the Amazon rainforest, I feel some mist

Every comic movie is full of shirtless chiseled Adonis men who were required to follow a strict exercise plan to get that job. I demand both busty and muscular women superheroes for equality

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I guess it's time to coom

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2 > 1 > 3 > 4



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80's April > all other Aprils.
Do not argue with me, I'm correct.

Imagine being this retarded

It's actually fascinating how every one of these is respectably good and watchable, with one or two elements being fantastic, how often does that happen

>respectable and watchable
Nah fuck off shill


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These turtles.

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>vegeta boots and first boner
>mary jane watson
>a ninja? what?
>looks like jimmy neutron would have a crush on her
>fuck you tumblr

I watched the original cartoon but I was so young that I remember the movies far more. I watched Secret of the Ooze so many fucking times

Does Vanilla Ice's ninja rap haunt your waking mind? If not, you did not watch it.

I liked it actually. I still know it word for word.

enjoying it means you have watched it too much

I won't argue with that.

I also watched the Michael Keaton Batman so many times that my mom knew every line just from it being on.

Turns out, I absolutely hate superhero movies now and think they're all complete shit. Especially these old ones I would watch as a kid. I guess I got all of that caped bullshit out of my system early on.