Ant-Man Thread

Can this relationship work?

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Cmon, no love for Scott? Pym?......O'Grady?

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Spencer's Ant-Man was probably the best Ant-Man comic of all time
Granted, it was the first Ant-Man ongoing to have more than 12 issues, but still.

Wasn't it 5, then renamed Astonishing Ant-Man going for 13 issues? I suppose that counts as a 18 issue run. They ever collect that all in one trade?

Yeah, they released a single trade volume collecting it all

Sweet. Might have to grab that

I want to see The Beetle get into real trouble with her criminal aspirations, to the point that she has to go running to Tombstone for help in a skintight costume in thigh-high heels.

But Tombstone's had enough of her shit, and tells her to beat it, forcing her to resort to fulfilling her own father's depraved sexual fantasies in order to save her own life.

Er, I mean, Janice is a qt

Perv shit aside, I could see Janice getting into deep trouble, Tombstone not bailing her out, and not even her Syndicate gal pals will help. Who does she turn to? No, not Boomerang. Scott

only if crawls around in her pusi

I know Hank and Janet did that but I got to ask, are any of you really into that? Seems kind of one sided, like you're just taking turns climaxing instead of finishing together. Moreover I'm not sure if I'm into vaginal spelunking

>Can this relationship work?
in everyone but Cap's eyes

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Nice an Ant-Man thread. What do you guys think of the current mini?

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Also one Ant-Man Annual and The Last Days of Ant-Man.

I liked the style of Waid's wackiness more, Wells version is fun too. Great villains in it.

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I love it, started reading it on a whim without having read any other Ant-Man and was surprised at how great it is.

I'm so far behind its not even funny.

See my question is that HOW bad is Beetle exactly? I know she wants to be "The Hillary Clinton of Drug Lords", but her criminal career kind of sucks. Could she be like a bitchier, less successful version of Black Cat? I'm sure Scott and Peter have a lot to talk about

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Well she's currently trying to be good in trying to win back her ex-boyfriend who's Peter's roommate. And that's actually pretty cute so I'm rooting for that more.

That won't last. Randy might end up back with Norah since she's in the picture again.
>"Fuck this, I'm heading back to Florida. See if Ant-Man is up for a booty call."
C'mon, you know you want bitchy stepmom Janice Lincoln trying to go straight for her new boyfriend Ant-Man

kek, nice

Reminder that O'Grady got shat on hard. He's dead and an LMD is running around pretending to be him.

He was a turbo-cunt but he didn't deserve that.

Scott's been a joke for so long it's hard to take him seriously anymore. Spencer had fun but now everyone is running with it. Whatever happens to Scott will always end up with it blowing up in his face and everyone laughing at him.

Spencer's Ant-Man was comfy as hell.
Also they kept making solid minis for Scott so i'm pretty happy for where the character is right now - i don't think he'll ever be able to hold an ongoing by himself but who cares.

Hey I like turbo-cunt LMD O'Grady. Let's face it; O'Grady sucked balls as a hero. Now as Black Ant, shrinking merc for hire and bro to Taskmaster? That shit is gold.
Scott is likable because he's the working class hero, kind of like Spider-Man. What do you want him to do exactly? He's not lame, he just has the unfortunate task of being compared to guys like Hulk or Thor, not to mention being stuck with Pym baggage

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I'm not sure it's all that bad. The original O'Grady got to have a character arc and a meaningful death (sorta). Now we still have him running around being an asshole, even if it's not the original. It's just standard comic having your cake and eating it BS, but I don't hate the interactions he's had with Taskmaster in Spencer's Spider-Man ongoing.

There is a living brain inside that LMD and it belongs to O'Grady. It was confirmed back in Illuminati when Black Ant started to become a thing and not just "evil Ant-Man".

>Reminder that O'Grady got shat on hard.
Not hard enough.

>He was a turbo-cunt but he didn't deserve that.
He deserved all of it and more.

>Spencer had fun but now everyone is running with it.
I think that's more to do with MCU synergy now, like how they're constantly playing up the fact he's an ex-con. He led a replacement Fantastic Four then went almost straight to being a homeless bum with zero credibility in public life because lol Paul Rudd comedy film.

To be completely fair, there was a period when Scott was dead and lost everything, including his social security number. AND he did blow off Tony's generous job position offer just so he could still see his daughter.

You could argue that the real problem is Avengers not looking out for one another on hard times because everyone goes through the ringer.

>Scott is likable because he's the working class hero, kind of like Spider-Man. What do you want him to do exactly? He's not lame, he just has the unfortunate task of being compared to guys like Hulk or Thor, not to mention being stuck with Pym baggage
Have you read his last mini? 90% of it was shitting on Scott but hey he saved the world and Black Cat was hitting on him and Spider-Man was uncharacteristically jealous of her light flirting. He's stuck in the same Hell as Clint. I liked Spencer's Ant-Man and I liked the start of Fraction's Hawkeye but both of those runs started a trend that neither will likely recover from for a long time. Could be worse, could be Hank Pym.

>implying Scott was different before the movies
You are a retard who just repeat the synergy buzzword like a mantra. Scott character always played as a comic relief, the FF team you are referencing was based on comedy.

Just when i thought you couldn't get any worse, you mentioned Pym. Great way to show off that you only know those characters from the memes.

>He's stuck in the same Hell as Clint
That's nowhere near the truth and you know it. Hawkeye is fucked, Scott is fine.

Scott was always a screw up though, from his introduction. He can be competent and a screw up. What Fraction did to Hawkeye was take away his compentency.

Well, MCU Scott was able to get his life back on track after fucking up and getting caught in Civil War, getting a nice house and starting his own private security company (that was inspired on the company from Spencer's run) and ended up being a big player in saving the universe. I could see him being pushed to be a better hero now that a lot of the main Avengers are gone.

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