Its another “feminist invades a Zig Forums property and transforms/ruins it into a political talking piece” episode

>its another “feminist invades a Zig Forums property and transforms/ruins it into a political talking piece” episode

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is shrek the embodiment of white cis male?

>It's another "women are never satisfied" opinion

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Are these people ever happy?

No, and that is why trying to make them happy is as pointless as it is damaging.

Had no idea Shrek was co-opted by feminists

>try to put farquad in make-up to make fun of trannies or ugly chicks
>tfw he actually looks kind of cute
oh no

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>>tfw he actually looks kind of cute ok user?

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my person is but my dick is not

What's the problem here? The reasoning is consistent; diversity isn't just the characters put out by creators, it's the creators themselves.

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The person who is never happy even said they liked PPG. You could paint any side of anything with broad strokes over cherry picked issues and say they're never satisfied.

Kinda unrelated but I came across this in sad panda.

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Because only so many cartoons gets made per year. This isn't anime where 80 are shoved out the door.

Not only do these people want 50/50 for every color and creed on-screen, but they also want it off-screen. They literally want cartoons to look and be made by the Burger King Kids Club.

They're also acting like a lot of modern cartoons reflect their showrunners in any way. OK KO is made by a black dude and it's just as boring and generic as Victor & Valentino, a Mexican-centric show that is just as wacky comedy as Teen Titans Go. We're not getting highly specific voices the likes of Steven Universe or Boondocks out here. Those are rarities, not the standard.

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That's not what's implied though, that's just the funny narrative you'd rather set for them. They aren't saying every show needs to have a rainbow of representation, representation is just nice. Yes, you're going to find people asking for more of any specific type of minority, but that's just the internet. If you didn't already know that you're going to find people griping about literally anything on any corner of twitter, that's a you problem, but the problem for whatever group you're over generalizing.

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>that's just the funny narrative you'd rather set for them.
They're saying they want more voices for people of color and LGBTQ+. And oftentimes, these demands for more voices they want to reach at minimum a 40/60 level, if we're going with the idea that 50/50 is unattainable.That means we need to have a nearly even rate of:

Whites (Women + Men)
Blacks (Women + Men)
Latinos (Women + Men)
Asian-Americans (Women + Men)
Native-Americans (Women + Men)
Transgenders (Women + Men)

Animation productions where both the crew AND the characters reflect that diversity in order to be deemed as "fair". And once we reach that level, who knows. It might break down more into subgroups. Now it's not about just Asian-Americans, but specifically Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino voices.

People who complain about lack of diversity are never happy. We can have a dozen shows that all have the cast of Hey Arnold, but eventually, someone is going to complain that, "But it still stars a white boy and his white love interest".

When you consider that there are MANY 15 animation productions happening across the major studios at any given time, how the fuck are we supposed to balance out the ratio unless we flat out reject people in favor of their background?

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Actually, no they really are never ever not pissed off at some imagined slight at all times of the day and night.

Why did you exclude lesbians from homosexuals?

Shrek is love

Uh oh...

calling people POC is more racist than nigger. you dont classify a sub genre races of people with a 3 letter Word holy shit

when you think about it Fiona is just living the corruption trope

Oh joy another Twitter thread

Add the fact that these
don't exist

Because they consider themselves two different groups of people as far as a "voice" is considered. Someone's lesbian experience vs. a gay man's experience. I could've said "Gay (Women + Men)" but I thought that wasn't very clear with my intent.

For example, I don't think a lot of gay men can relate to the problems of Orange is the New Black just because it's a gay story. It's specifically lesbians.

6 letters > 3 letters

you might even extrapolate in saying that calling them nigger is twice better

They wanted to revert back to "colored people" but they felt it would confuse people when abbreviated.

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