Why couldn’t Finn respect boundaries?

Why couldn’t Finn respect boundaries?

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Why is OP asking us to placate their boredom?

The boundaries didn't exist last time an they didn't bother to notify him of the changes.

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Were they supposed to send him a letter? How about he not grab whoever he feels like?

An arm is not a sexual organ, and they are supposed to be friends.

Also they've "touched him without permission" many times in previous seasons. If we're gonna "Karen" this shit, then those two have a lot of apologizing to do to Finn.

Alright here’s an actual defense of that scene. Considering PB’s character and Finn’s past with her it is definitely believably she’d brush him off like that. Not necessarily a cool thing to do, but definitely believable. After PB brushes him off he was only holding Marceline, which is a little awkward, especially with her romantic interest standing right there, so she just did the same thing because it’d be weird otherwise.

Exactly what Weinstein said

Pajama War was near last season though which most people thought would put the two of them on a close friend basis again. Not to mention, the Bubblinefag writers from the comics joined in at Season 7 and began in Stakes too.

Finn needs better role models

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He has his mom now. I imagine she'd be a pretty good role model.

I miss fun Marceline.

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Given Marcy and PB grab him whenever they want, yes? If you want to change the dynamic notify the person.

Classic privileged boy. Wanting everything handed to them instead of being aware of social cues

Why couldn't this show stay a stoner animation disguised as a kid's show instead of acutally becoming a kid's show.

Why couldn't Marceline respect boundaries?

Why couldn't it have not been shit to begin with

So much for "grabbing your friends".

The show forgot that they're supposed to be his friends after season 3
The show forgot a lot of shirt after season 3

Women aren't rapists

Muto deserves death

Legit question, how is this okay?
I have several female friends and none of them would ever do this to me. And one of them is a feminist queer commie and she let's me do hugs whenever I want, is this some liberal feminist tick I'm not getting?

>Mandora will put her hand on Lion-O's shoulder and smile
Finn is just too much of a beta to be touching women, unlike Chad-O

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It's there to show how beneath them fin that he's not worth standing next to them

You make funny joke

Why does Finn waste his time on these two whores? God I hate how hard he tries to get PB to like him and Marceline is just a cunt who uses her sad backstory as an excuse.

Because he doesn't have a father and Jake tries his best but he's just a fucking dog, man.

Isolation Time!
Don't touch your friends,
or they'll accuse you of, inappropriate conduct.

So keep your hands to yourself,
And watch what you say,
Maybe you won't get fired, it's Isolation Time!

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They have him being a creep because they needed a way to keep the dykes on screen and a part of Finn's life.

Logically speaking Finn should leave them alone and their apperances in the series should be dropped to almost nothing.

It doesn’t always have to be from Finn’s perspective. Remember that fire dog?

Every ep without Finn is shit and any ep starring the "princesses" is unanimously hated.

The show not being about finn or adventures (Sans saving already powerful well off and protected princesses) is it's ultimate downfall and why it ended with lower views and fucks given about it then the final ep of the regular show.

The IP is fucked forever and the gay agenda/attempt to destroy young males thing outright kills any piece of media that does it.

No one wants the dyke adventures and pb and marcy, if the show was ran by pros with a head on their shoulders, be left out as much as possible.

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He was a horny teen boy who had a terrible role model