We're never getting a run as good as JMS's aren't we

We're never getting a run as good as JMS's aren't we

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I would like to read more modern Spider-Man. If I enjoyed Dan Slott's She-Hulk run will I like any of his Spider-Man stuff? A lot of people seem to hate him for some reason.

Start of Slott's run is good, up to or maybe through Ends of the Earth but it becomes fanfic tier.

>We're never getting a run as good as JMS's aren't we
Not unless Norman gets someone pregnant. You know it's a good Spider-Man comic when Norman's making babies.

Slott from 648 thru Superior is better than JMS

Spencer's run is good though

Fair enough. Straczynski's run was good and this is unrelated but his Thor book was my introduction to Thor comics so he has a special place in my heart.

No. And I say this as someone who only liked some of JMS' run.

>9/11 issue
>sins past
>one more day


Spencer’s run is great though? He’s been using a lot of Spidey’s Classic villains and casts. He’s been repairing Peter’s relationships (especially fixing Black Cat and having Peter show her his idenity). At worst some of the arcs drag on too long.

9/11 issue, Sins Past and OMD are ghost written by Quesadilla, unironically

Yeah I like Spencer's run. Just finished Hunted and that was my main complaint too. I think he just does too many side character issues. I think Hunted had 3 or so issues set entirely with another character rather than what was happening with Spidey/the main plot? I liked the Gibbon one though, didn't expect that.

Spencer is good but he's not on the level of JMS or the other GOAT runs.

idc who wrote what, it's part of the run

Spencer's run is pretty bad, I've dropped all Spider-Man comics for the first time in 22 years

This, JMS is a meme run, half of it is Chuck Austen-level trash. The only reason people remember it fondly is because he had the best Spidey status quo.

Yeah I dropped it around the hunted arc. It's so decompressed. A like a few issues (1,6,7, Gibbon issue of Hunted come to mind) but overall nothing happens issue to issue, and the artwork leaves a lot to be desired. I think Ottley is a poor fit and suffering under the tight schedules at Marvel.
Speaking of padded storytelling, this Kindred crap is like a 50 issue arc (maybe even longer for all I know). If I wanted to wade through a thousand pages of padding before any plot payoff I'd pick up a shonen manga. I just don't care about it anymore. He's on the cover of issue 44 but you already know that won't be the conclusion. I just don't care anymore.

And Friendly Neighbourhood (also outside a couple standout issues (6,11)) hasn't been much better. So I'm just done with ongoing Spider-Man. I'll give the upcoming Non-Stop Spider-Man title a look, of course.

The best issue of the current ASM wasn't even written by Spencer.

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Bad taste
And you're an ADD moron

TAS vibes with that Venom distorted shadow

Nobody believes you.

I'm a moron because I don't like being strung along? You're a sucker.

You're an idiot only invested in the Kindred drama when the book itself is entertaining

>when the book itself is entertaining
Well I obviously don't agree, with the exception of the issues I mentioned. But if your idea of discussion is calling me an idiot because I don't like a book you do then you can talk to someone else.

I called you an idiot because you gave the tired out armchair response of "nothing happens" when thats bullshit. So excuse me if I think your criticism is shit. Hunted gave Kraven's Last Hunted meaning again

Chip Zdarsky should take over ASM and then maybe

>Hunted gave Kraven's Last Hunted meaning again
I fail to see how. If anything it was a tired retread that introduces a "brand new Kraven". Kraven's Last Hunt having meaning would be him staying dead.

I may or may not agree on liking the run, but you have to give more reasons than nothing in society if you want to participate

.......The entire purpose of Hunted was to keep the original Kraven dead. He created a "new" Kraven so writers don't unfuck this shit, AGAIN. How did you miss that? You're going to give Spencer shit for righting a wrong now?

If Hickman wasn't all over X-Men I'd nominate him.

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There is functionally no difference between old Kraven and "new" Kraven. They are even drawn to look identical. This story was editorial drivel used to return Kraven to his status quo. It takes a steaming dump on Kraven's Last Hunt. It's remarkable you think it's doing the opposite.
I notice there is a subset of Spider-Man fans who are constantly praising Spencer's run for "fixing" things. I think you lot would rather read Wikipedia articles than comics.

I keep seeing people complain about spencer, but I don't get why...