Toonami General #1

Ok he is more than a minute late. Here’s your shit schedule for next week. Enjoy your dead block

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Other urls found in this thread:

toonami sux

Reminder that One Piece is the greatest selling comic book of all time, WORLDWIDE!

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Did he oversleep again?

He has slipped 2 weeks in a row now

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>last episode

I'll miss them bros...

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I can't believe Yaiba got cancelled after tonight's episode.

>Toonami will never air Detective Conan

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Was a new show really so much to ask for?

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Current Series End Dates:
My Hero Academia - May 25, 2020
Demon Slayer - May 2, 2020
Paranoia Agent - July 18, 2020
Black Clover - TBD
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind - August 15, 2020
Naruto: Shippuden - April 14, 2024

Considering they're adapting the next arc as a movie, yeah.

Wow is this real?

Friendly reminder that milk is full of calcium which is good for your bones.

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Jesus this is pitiful. I told y'all adding Gantz and Boogiepop would save the block but no one listened

How was your week /tg/ ?
And how can I get rid of all these jelly donuts?

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What's a Yaiba?

Hey, no time no see, how's everything at home? How's the situation there?

Yes. We are here to suffer.

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Yea we've heard about your Boogiepop obsession every week for like a year. It'd have been a boogieflop.

>Fire Force ended
>Dr Stone ended
>SAO ended
>Food Wars “ended”
>Demon Slayer ended
Not a single one was replaced. Where did it all go wrong? Will MHA be joining this club?

Have we at least had the Madara flex episode?

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You are the worst person I know. You constantly shit on your fans. These people give you job security and this is how you repay them? And to add insult to injury, you only listen to the ones you agreed with beforehand. And you're so clueless! You never do any research. You always say "ooh, diverse shows are coming later" but later never comes. And what really bothers me is you pretend you're this deep film connoisseur who loves obscure classics and indie films when all you do is talk about normie shit. Yeah, I’m a consoomer too, but at least I'm honest about it! I don't live-tweet while watching Akira and then lecture my followers with some seventh grade interpretation of how Tetsuo Shima was some tragic anti-hero. He wasn't. He was a spoiled brat, and that's why you like him so much. He's you! God, you're pretentious! And you delude yourself by thinking you're some great producer, even though you're terrible. You know, I should've known Maki Terashima wasn’t the one who chose to censor FLCL 3, she would've known what the fanbase actually wanted. And you know what I hate most about you, is your textbook liberal agenda. How "orange man bad", how college needs to be free, how the treatment of illegal immigrants is the biggest tragedy in America... Well what have you done to help? I work down at the migrant shelter, Jason. Never seen you down there! You wanna help? Grab a ladle! And by the way, promoting unknown musicians doesn't make you Jesus Christ. Oh wait, you don't believe in Jesus Christ, or any religion for that matter, because "religion is for idiots". Well who the hell are you to talk down to anyone? You failed making an original series twice, which isn't nearly as bad as your failure as a son. How’s that dead mother of yours you let get beaten? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it, if you weren't such a faggit. That's the worst of it, Jason. You're just a big, sad, manchild faggit. I'll see you, Jason. Thanks for the fucking block

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The best time of the week has finally arrived! Everything is so nice and comfy, even with the rationing. I can't wait to watch old shitty jap cartoons with everyone!

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Why does Adultswim always burn itself out on this fucking block/programming?

What is this cringe image that has been getting spammed here?

Yes, this is Demarco we're talking about here.

Everyone wishes.

It got a natural ending, though. Would you have preferred it if Muzan was actually the weakest member of a group of demons who roam the earth, and Tanjiro and his friends must cross the globe to slay all of them? Would you prefer a series with 200 chapters that doesn't wear out its welcome, or Seven Deadly Sins?

Dammit Brock, those are PB&J sandwiches. Open your fucking eyes. Oh wait, you can't cuz you're blind!

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Demon Slayer

CR isn't going to give us this.

Don't forget Lupin.

Milk is good but what about eggs?

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>TTG and King of the Hill anons left

Fucking pussies.

>Paranoia Agent getting 'new episode' previews
>theyre unironically acting like it's brand new

Pretty sure Demarco already did

Last week

12:00a My Hero Academia 637 0.30
12:30a Demon Slayer 509 0.26
1:00a Food Wars 451 0.25
1:30a Black Clover 414 0.14
2:00a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 346 0.20
2:30a Naruto: Shippuden 308 0.18

This week

12:00a My Hero Academia 567 0.29 381
12:30a Demon Slayer 459 0.24 307
1:00a Paranoia Agent (r) 374 0.20 260
1:30a Black Clover (r) 356 0.20 253
2:00a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 340 0.19 242
2:30a Naruto: Shippuden (r) 298 0.16 209

>old shows are good for the block!
>it’s not a rerun!
>this show is good so people will tune in for it!
>it will easily outdo Food Wars

Lmao where’s the nostaltards at so they can pick up their big fat L?

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Watch Magical Girl Friendship Squad on Syfy instead of Toonami if you hate it so much.

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A JoJo character named Poor Tom.
Why is it being spamed? Well it's a JoJo fan thinking he's funny because of the name.

>Moe shit

I'd rather have more Shonen on the block.

Boogiepop on Toonami when

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i hope ATT forces them to give it to HBO Max
just to make them suffer a bit

Boogiepop would've saved us but you didn't believe

Technically it ended right at the end of 2019 so I left it off


F Original Brock Poster

>dead birds popping up around my yard
>dog sized rat spotted
>playing Pokemon Crystal
>scared about our future
God bless you user for taking up this mantle. I'm sorry I bitched out on you but uncertainty in my own future was making me consider giving it up anyway.

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Been doing good friend, thanks for asking
Funny enough with the lock in I'm actually usually doing stuff at this time Saturday so haven't been able to make it in until later

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Honestly I don’t blame them. Things are getting pretty bleak

I swear, if nothing replaces MHA, I'm dropping Toonami.

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nice to see you brock, but not a good week
Bad back pain yesterday that made me feel sick and my left nut has been aching with a bump on the testicle. Don't know when I can get it checked but I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be the best thing in the world. The bump has been there for at least a year but I don't remember the ache bothering me except when I first noticed it back then and recently when I noticed it again, maybe here and there since then but it's mostly a minor pressure like you're laying with your nuts between your legs and the uncomfortableness that has.

Holy shit that’s a huge dip. And that’s without Mob reruns right in the middle

Even if they are, they should at least stick around for the shitshow.

Playing Fire Emblem and Hitman 2. Also my dad visited me, which is sort of tough to manage because every time he goes somewhere he immediately puts on Fox News. Like, even if he's using his computer, he still keeps it on as background noise.

You know what the only news reports they do nowadays? Coronavirus reports begging people to go back to work, and Biden bashing. That's literally it. Oh, except the one time where they talked about how Democrats would be happy if Kim Jong Un died not because he's a dictator, but because if he died his sister would take over because Dems love "girl power". They're saying that schools should open because kids can't get the virus.

I'm listing to Hideki Naganuma nonstop to drown it out.

>Working from home is paradise
>Got Pit of Heresy Solo
>Began long-term planning to make my food stocks last due to the supply line cuts

Every day, it is wonderful.

It's brand new to me, at least.

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Kaguya-sama on Toonami when?

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I can't wait for PA to do worse. Especially after it moves up.

its not on tonight

1230: Gary and His Demons e2
1245: Dr Havoc's Diary e3
0100: Futurama
0130: Cyanide and Happiness
0140: Dr Havoc's Diary e4

I miss seeing Fujiko Mine.

>female opening


It’s getting to the point where it’s not even worth it. 6 total shows, two of which are reruns. Putting a whole night aside to shitpost about 2 hours of content isn’t all that appealing

what the fuck happened to the rat tho

>have had the coof since apr 1st
>hasnt left to this day
>no other major symptoms, just this coof (probably the scariest part, at least I'd be sure if I knew it was covid)
I'm literally in fucking purgatory.

I think something will, but I also think replacements are going to be rarer too.

Faggitman only wants to air shit he personally likes.

Something something Guyver

Scuffed Eva is shit

Why did Funimation give DRAGON SOUL 30+ versions?

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>everything tanking makes Jojo not seem like it’s doing so bad
Master plan

Very good.

>finally finished all my semester projects/assignments for my final year of grad school
>one of my graduation committee professors forgot to approve my graduation
>everything was squared away easy so I'll still be able to graduate this year
>now comes the long and hard attempt at getting employed in this year of government-suggested quarantine
>one of the stoplights at the intersection near my local Five Guys won't turn green so that pissed me off
>took interest in some DA artist I never heard of before thanks to pic related
>lost interest after learning they consider "trap" to be hateful language
>an unironic sissy artist thinks "trap" is offensive
>whatever, their characters' mouths look weird anyways
>watched Network on Thursday with my parents
>damn TV Tropes tricked me into thinking Peter Finch was the main character when he was just the most memorable one
>still an excellent, if not eerily prescient, movie
>"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

It's a real feel.

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>oolong and the others
Odd for Gohan to say that.

>first we get exploding nutsack user
>now we have testicular cancer user
What the fuck is wrong with /tg/ and their balls?

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a few months back an user posted about his nut exploding after it pained him for a while
you should probably get that checked sooner rather than later

It escaped to parts unknown. I'm a little concerned.

Something something Gantz uncensored

>Working from home is paradise
What kind of work? IT? Customer service?

What even could replace MHA that is block lead material? If they can’t even secure slot filler for later slots, how will they ever fill the large shoes of the lead?

Give him the dose, Piccolo

i can't believe tonight is the last episode of demon slayer

I'm sure something will. Will it be good is the real question.

Decided to get Neptunia VII yesterday.
Didn't expect her to say some Den-O lines.

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>exploding nutsack

Give me the link from the archive.

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I've had a sore throat since... I don't know, a few weeks already. I think I mentioned it in a thread the first week we got to Toonami and I had it, but I'm not backlogging. It might have been close to a month but I'm not sure. This isn't uncommon though because my throat sucks and if it gets too cold in my room which happened before it started hurting I get a sore throat, and it takes awhile to go away because something usually keeps it agitated like constant clearing of it or snoring/another cold night. I don't think I caught the virus though, the coughing isn't like it used to be which was mainly congestion/mucus clearing and not those deep hoarse coughs.

Take care user that sucks though.

Super reruns. I'm calling it now.

Another week another shitty MHA chapter
>another 2 week break for golden week
>I swear to god we had golden week break in April
>it's taking half a year to get through one hospital raid
This shit wouldn't be popular if Marvel was good

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I had a bump on my dick for over a year. It never hurt so I just let it be. One day it looked a little different and I found out somehow a splinter had got in there and I was finally able to get it out

Honestly it's mainly congestion and mucus for me too. I'm not coughing all the time, nor is it deep and hoarse, but it is consistent enough.

Yeah sorryt i forgot how Cell worked

Original Timeline: Ours, Cell is not of this timeline
Trump's Alternatetime: Cell is from this timeline

So Cell used Alternate Timeline Time Machine to go back to the Original Timeline but for some wait

fucking god damnit why is this confusing

You got corona

Weekly Shounen Jump is having a manga contest specifically for foreigners
Now's your chance /tg/
You can make something, and Demarco will have no choice but to pick it up. He gargles the balls of WSJ

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They already tried that and it was a disaster

Not the best.
Still unemployed, still can't draw. Considering going back to school because this whole really replaceable shit hit me like a truck so I fired some applications out so we'll have to see what happens for Fall Semester.
Shit has just got me blue.

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>mob is back

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>SiP order lifted but everything's still closed
>finished my master's degree at last
>watching Glavine dab on the losedians
Feels good

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