Zig Forums boys thread

Let's have good ol' boys thread, shall we?
Post boys who make your heart flutter.

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I wish he would choke and beat me and then kiss me better

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I'm just going to post the matron of the thread. Although I seemed to have forgotten her name.

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I love him so goddamn much, he is my little sunshine that scatters darkness in my heart.
If you are into this, then I hope it happens to you!

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With downtime from quarantine, I've been binging a lot of webcomics, and man—there's some really cute boys in them. I definitely recommend checking them out if you've got nothing else to do. And unlike cartoon boys, the boys in webcomics are actually gay.

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"Shouldn't you be killing yourself?"
"Are you gonna do it?"
"I really want you to die."
"I am not kidding."
"Do it."

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He might be a bit of a perverted creep, but I love me some morty

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This boy is really cute. Really love his style aside for ripped jeans.
To be honest, I like my boys whatever as long as I can ogle at them. No, even better, I like getting baited. Though I am also fan of one-sided loves. Makes for a good drama.

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Some cartoon boys are gay too, user, even if their creators aren't allowed to admit it.

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I think I have an unhealthy complex in how much I identify with him.
When the show started, I was close enough to his age that it wasn't as weird, but now in my 20's, I definitely shouldn't still see myself in a 12 to 13-year-old (not to mention I'm not as mentally or even socially capable as him).
It's not to an obsessive degree, but I worry that it's there at all.

Dipper's outfit looks good

Don't worry, I am 22 right now, and I haven't changed a bit. My mind is still 16. Strangely, I've always loved cute boys, but I got obsessed with them only recently. Dipper set my soul on fire. I never saved any fanart in my whole life, but now it's a different story. Zig Forums has so many good boys it's criminal, I think Dipper alone is better than most of Japanese shotas. Not surprising, he is the king of shotas after all.
Thanfully I don't really look like an adult so for me it's easier to act like this both socially and mentally.

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*Thankfully jeez I thought I edited that.

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Dipper's awesome

What about headcanon gay boys? I still don't know the intentions of creators when they made this short episode.

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Who bottoms?

Are we talking about headcanon of boys who seem to be unromantically interested in anyone in their source materials, or headcanon of seemingly straight boys?

Clearly the ghost possesses the living boy and gets him to seduce others.

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Usually Spencer (people only draw this), but I find typical bottoms topping the dominant male much hotter.

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Well, the bromance was strong between them, so it seemed gay, but not quite. When you are top-class fujo, boys just interacting with each other starts to seem gay in my head. Though I will never force that thought like it's truth.

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Tell me they are straight. You can't? Nice, me too.

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So comfy...

The ghost is kinda cute

I've only read Always Raining Here and oh my god I wish I had a cute boyfriend. Those comics are not good for heart.

I've read a few pages of that. I believe someone in a recent thread that to become a fujo, you'd want to read ARH and another comic, thinking about kissing cute guys, and something else.

He looks sleepy

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Not sure if ARH is good enough to make anyone a fujo. How can you even become one? If you find boys attractive (not even going to say "if you are gay", because I hate identifying myself, I just like cute shit), you might not be a fujo by a word, but relate in a similar fashion. It's hard to imagine straight guy finding gay couples cute. It might work for women. That comic might actually turn them into fujos. Basically, like every media with two cute boys.

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First time here?

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Dipper must be saved and protected

Post depraved shit with your favorite boys.

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