Do guys REALLY?

Do guys REALLY?

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>And don't see any issue
If she don't why do you?

My apartment has four walls, thank you very much.

Yeah, child support payments are a bitch.

More or less.

Doesn't makes since he works that same place as Homer.

>Doesn't makes since he works that same place as Homer.

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Is it worse to women to live in a big home with parents or a shitty apartment on your own?
Genuinely curious as the former.

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Homer has also said that Lenny is the second richest person that he knows.

Divorced white guys actually do live like this half the time.

This thread is trash. Shove your twitter screencap from a literal who up your ass please, OP. No (you) for you.

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More true than is comfortable to admit

t. Landlord

He was a highly competent, university educated nuclear plant employee with no children or even a spouse. Springfield is hardly an expensive place to live. He could afford way better than that, or at least decent food.

Hell, Homer owns a decent home with good food and is way less competent than Lenny. There’s no reason for him to live like that.

You don't fucking know him, don't even pretend that you have any fucking idea what it's like to live as Lenny, you presumptive little shit.

Depends. If he’s doing college & working and stuff and his family is wholesome then that’s alright.

If he’s just an immature basement dwelling video game-addicted parasite then fuck no.

If his apartment is nice then awesome. I like getting all comfy and helping him decorate it appropriately.

If he lives in a rundown single room shack or creepy featureless serial killer lair then we have a problem.

>creepy featureless serial killer lair then we have a problem.

posting from an apartment right now. I have

>a bed I never use in a bedroom I dont use
>kitchen table i never use
>computer desk
>computer chair
>television w/ coffee table it's sitting on
>cat tree

livin the dream brehs

Stop and imagine being a girl for a second

>Walk in
>No pictures of friends and family
>No indicators of personality or individuality
>No warmth or comfort
>Sterile environment

Fucking eerie shit. Like he has no humanity or anything. I couldn’t go to a guy’s house like that. I lotion my skin when I want to.

Checked and he probably spends it all on egirl OnlyFans

Only in America. As far as i know, the US is the only country i know of to have divorce laws that tries it's absolute damndest to force couples to get nasty and cut-throat. Every American friend i have says that divorce is a system designed to give most of the couples money to the state, compared 3 British friends i have that either divorced or know people who got divorced. UK it's so fucking simple if you want it to be and only gets nasty if the people involved want to get nasty.

As i understand it, most States of the US use law-suit divorce style, so you have to sue each other to get divorced. America is a failed state and the people were mentally conditioned by Woodrow Wilson's education system to ignore that, regardless of how shit it got.

Imagine you're trying to smash and you walk past their door and their room has open wires, no furniture, disturbing mysterious smells, strange stains on the walls and ominous lighting.
Now imagine you're a girl that is 150x more afraid of being raped and/or killed and you're in that room.

I don't like pictures, paintings, and wallpapers, and prefer a minimalist look. That doesn't mean i have no personality. I'm a somewhat great guy too.

>no pictures of friends or family
because i hate my family and have no friends
>no indicators of personality or individuality
I got a bike. and a Shellback certificate.
>no warmth or comfort
>sterile environment
hahah nah my place is a fucking trashhole

>tfw the original picture is from the same town I went to school in

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Girls notice that shit; it's not us you have to defend yourself to

>don't even pretend that you have any fucking idea what it's like to live as Lenny

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Maybe its a YMMV thing? I have ghetto friends whose rooms are basically picrel and they seem to get laid every now and then

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Incels be like “ my home”

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Then don't get divorced then you licentious heathens.

likes literally everything in life, attraction is a spectrum. There are multiple multiple multiple factors that go into whether a guy is attractive or not.

Charisma can make up for a bare apartment ez.

I didn’t say it means you have no personality. I said there’s no “indicators” of personality. I get the vibe the guy is hiding something scary. And not the exciting kind of scary.

Is the joke that he likes living as a slob despite making more than Homer? Because if so, it reminds of JLU where Chronos could afford to live anywhere as royalty, but then chose to live in his old Wild West jail cell.

It’s a well defined spectrum, not a black & white rule.

I AM hiding something scary.
my daddy beat me and neither of my parents really loved me :'(

I wonder if a serial killer room would be more or less of a turnoff than "two monitors and a light-up keyboard"?

>tfw you are probably one of the few Zig Forumsmrads to own his own three bedroom home.
step it up faggots, theres nothing better then shitposting in your own den

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And your gameplan is to dump this on a girl you hardly know?

>imagine being a girl for a second
Who cares what they think? Girls are emotional retards.

This. As a UK Divorcee, all me and the ex had to do was sit down, discuss who got what in the split, send away the details and £500 (I think it's gone up since then) to the government, fill out a few forms and boom, done.

Most couples i know of specifically do it this way because it's WAAAAAY cheaper to do it yourselves than to get Solicitors involved. Only times i've seen it get nastier than that was when kids are involved and even then, most people still choose to do it themselves.

Don't get me wrong, things can get heated, but considering the horror stories i've heard from the American legal system, Jesus Timmy-fucking Christ, you people need to tear down your entire legal system and rebuild it from the ground up, because it looks less like a system to fairly decide legal matters and more like a fucking hellhole designed specifically to vacuum as much money away from everyone involved as possible.

It depends entirely on what you want in your life.

I myself would prefer an apartment with at least 2 bedrooms but in all honesty all i want is to live alone like this guy.

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Nah, which is why I'm a 25 year old loser who was never able to get a girlfriend even when he was in the Navy.

Im not the guy you were talking to im just funposting cause quarantine got me abusing them drugs more than i should

>Why don’t gurls like me?
>I never bathe and behave like transsexual autist but they STILL won’t be my QT 3.14 boyfriend-free girlfriend!

It drives women crazy that men can just sit and be happy

Fuck you, yank. We invented a whole fucking religion for the purposes of making this shit easy.

How old are you? Career? Im in my first year of college and have no idea what Im gonna do.

Im a 25 year old loser living in a bedroom shithole. But at least it aint mommy's basement any more.

You are only a loser because you do drugs

Remember, winners don't do drugs

I inherited a converted Caboose house from my uncle last year. Looks similar to this.

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