Main character suddenly gains weight

>main character suddenly gains weight

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Hey did I miss today's storytime or did the guy not post today?

I was busy, but it should be up in about a half hour

Nice, thanks.

Dude...that wasn't suddenly. Mark had been gone for months. Fat and feet fetishists are disgusting, btw.

I also like to suck off massive black cocks. If that helps.

Damn that's fucking hot

You the same guy who was posting the Eclipse chapters in Zig Forums earlier?

we're up and running:

The best kind of episode.

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Based. You reminded me why I fell in love with Berserk all those years ago. Was fun watching the newfags react to the Eclipse too.

She should've been fatter.

Name of comic plz?


Does anything sum up acceptance of failure more than a fat fetish?

I'm sorry that some of us are just far too patrician for you, you faggot. Some of us can appreciate the sublime beauty of a fat girl.

Nice to see you user! I hope you are feeling well.

Do you happen to be black by any chance?

No I just have a lot of testosterone.

I am 12.


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Is this DCSHG Batgirl? That's impressive, so far Zatanna's gotten most of the fat girl art from that show.

Also that's a nice belly bulge, it's always fun when a fat girl's gut bulges against her pants.

Weird how fat acceptance only goes one way. It's always some fat tumblrwhale snagging a guy with a six pack.

>those lips

imagine the blowjobs


>he hasn’t seen the chubby chaser threads

Melt away Mizore-chan.

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Isn't this the manga that was notorious for becoming a fat fetish manga out of nowhere?

Am I the only one who never really liked Eve nor Mark? I enjoyed the comic in spite of them.


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