Name a better ship in the series
Protip: you fucking can't!

Attached: freezerburn the best hug of the series.webm (960x540, 2.24M)

I'm partial to WhiteRose.

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>Name a better ship in the series
You know I'm right.

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Stuffed Rabbit.

2nd best, only because Ruby is weapon-sexual. Yang and Weiss have that real chemistry
>kills their kids
>better ship

Attached: freezerburn.webm (960x540, 343.16K)

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>I-it was an accident.

Attached: Salem's family.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

- is cute but there's not enough actually known about it to be superior. Nice fanart tho

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You don't even hear Salem and Ozpin bring them up or seem remorseful that the kids are dead. Face it, they only fought so they could pull off a super late term abortion...

It's the most well-developed ship in the series, thanks in large part to the book.

What book?

'After the Fall', by EC Meyers. It's an official licensed book from an RT and Scholastic partnership.

They're also coming out with another soonish, called 'Before the Dawn'.

Speaking of shipping how far have the creators taken that bumblefuck ship?

Far enough that I want them to just get it over with and stop wasting both characters on it, but not so far that I'm willing to call it canon yet.

Both of them tried to make it up in there own way because Ozma made the 4 maidens and Salem has 4 main minions.

oh shit, guess i will have something new to read this month, thanks user...FREEZERBURN IS STILL BETTER!

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You're welcome. It's a bit heavy-handed at times, but provides a lot of good CFVY characterisation.

Monochrome is pretty cool in both; potential of growth and aesthetics

Never even considered that, but that just means Oz is more true to it since the 4 maidens are all girls. Salem wanted 3 boys and 1 girl so she enacted Operation: Mature Fetus Deletus

Funfact: Ozma tried to attack first

buzz buzz


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Most Weiss-based ships are excellent.
The ideal model is a Weiss-centric Pollination set up.

How adorkable.

Simple Souls works better than Frozen in Time though

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>Name a better ship in the series
Nuts and Dolts cannot be rivaled.
Being serious, even if they drag those two out forever I think it's impossible for them to go back at this point. They've gone in hard, and they now have to make the most of it.

Attached: nuts & dolts.jpg (1000x750, 251.63K)

Same. Blake-Yang is good

N&D is cute. BB is definitely going to happen so they better handle it right and not drag it out or go on/off again. Build it up, let them have it, let them be happy, they deserve it.