Why is gaming being overrun by grannies? It didn't used to be like this 5 years ago...

Why is gaming being overrun by grannies? It didn't used to be like this 5 years ago, but now it seems like everyone is trying to drag you into their cult while the media protects them.

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OP, take a break

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t. granny

Grannies are generally based in online games when they know what they are doing.

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>skyrim granny plays on pc

>beats your ass in wii Sports

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for one, video games attract those with autism/ASD/aspergers, just like how it does with Japanese anime/manga/cartoons as an adult.

dilate granny

>Dissidia 012
As much as I despise Wu, he has good taste in something.

There are grannies posting on Zig Forums right now.




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damn i forgot about this dude. didn't he marry some asian dude who he now fucks in the ass nightly

Someone's gotten PRUNED

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>didn't he marry some asian dude who he now fucks in the ass nightly
Dude's BEEN married even before Gamergate.

damn. i feel bad for his little asian buttslave husband

Social reprogramming. Leftist media has been relentlessly and constantly bullying and demonizing autistic, nerdy gamers, telling them they are inherently flawed for being antisocial and calling for their public humillation at every turn. Then in a very interesting move they offer them an escape route by labeling them incels. You see, it's not enough to shame them for being virgins, they had to imply that their virginity was so wrong, so dangerous that you are now part of a literal terrorist organization if you are a virgin. The easiest way to fix all of this? Become a girl. There's a very large group of people out there that will instantly love you and protect you IF you decide that you want to be a girl.

The message is clear: Take the pinkpill, or take the bullet, incels.

Show me videos of old people playing vidya, I can't find any and it sounds interesting.


Nigga what?
Take you pills, this is a granny thread.

Waifus + surrogacy = problem solved.

Damn what an ancient meme

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Yeah user, that's the only one know.

because only retards on the spectrum take video games seriously.
For normal people it's just something to kill a few hours with.

>Yes, i'm american: the post

Nothing is overrun. It's just a very vocal minority. Autists still make complex great games and sell them without screaming about their sexuality/gender all over the net.

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I'm literally not. Try again, retard.


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I can't even begin to imagine how unironically insane you have to be to even entertain the idea of permanently mutilating your body by injecting God-knows-what into your bloodstream, and cutting your dick off.

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Grannies don't have dicks user

they're actually insane

>Social reprogramming. Leftist media has been relentlessly and constantly bullying and demonizing young, fresh and hip gamers, telling them they are inherently flawed for being young and calling for their public humillation at every turn. Then in a very interesting move they offer them an escape route by labeling them grannies. You see, it's not enough to shame them for being young, they had to imply that their age was so wrong, so dangerous that you are now part of a literal terrorist organization if you are a kid. The easiest way to fix all of this? Become a granny. There's a very large group of people out there that will instantly love you and protect you IF you decide that you want to be a granny.
>The message is clear: Take the prunepill, or take the bullet, whippersnapper.

I can't even begin to imagine how unironically insane you have to be to ponder about this all day, while never actually interacting with one. Paranoid schizophrenia is treatable, you should seek help.

>There's a very large group of people out there that will instantly love you and protect you IF you decide that you want to be a granny.
Who would even think of hurting nice old ladies?

You are as mentally fucked as one, so you are in spirit.

Older lady centipedes have become a problem here on the site for the past few years.

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