Good place to start any i should skip never played a tekken game before

good place to start any i should skip never played a tekken game before

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start with 1


Tekken 3-6 all have side modes worth playing

Tekken 7 should be avoided, as its one side mode (which sucks) costs money and can be found for free/emulated in TTT.

don't become a T7 autist

Attached: 1591795227028.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

Play them in order to see the progression of the series as time goes on. Fuck, you could do that in less than 4 hours if you're just completing the arcade modes.

Attached: Tekken autism.webm (480x360, 2.02M)

Tekken 2 has great OST
Tekken 3/TAG are the peak of the series
Tekken 4 has the best art design
Tekken 5 and beyond are kinda shit

Play only 2

trust me you don't want to risk whiffing anything near Paul Phoenix

eddy's backdash makes this look more ridiculous than it really is.

Tekken 5 has the best single player content and Tekken 5:DR is the peak of the series as far as gameplay goes

If you're going to play online there is no reason not to play tekken 7.

It's a fighting game, play the one that's active, ie. Tekken 7. 5, 5:DR and 6 are worth a play though

Tag 2 still has some players
hell, somehow 5DR on ps3 still has some autists sitting in a lobby waiting for opponents sometimes
idk why they didn't shut down the servers yet when they even announced the shutdown years ago

it looks ugly and every new character is some anime retard.
I never cared for it, it felt like a downgrade from 4 in everything but the roster.

Its like those irl fights where people throw jabs in the air but never actually hit each other

Tekken 7 is a predictable follow-up to a series that's never aimed particularly high, it may please casual gamers for a day or two but the stagnant ongoing series is definitely in the second tier of fighters way below Capcom or NetherRealm Studios games, and it's seriously getting old and tired. The lack of depth and subtlety and the emphasis on the offensive, rather than the defensive, puts this squarely two notches below the best in the genre, the "who-can-get-their-super-move-off-first" gameplay leaves much to be desired from a serious fighting game player. Like the prequels, Tekken 7 is geared towards casual gamers and anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, DoA and MK games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

I have never heard anyone say T5 is bad, in fact most people rank it as the best Tekken game even though it has some broken characters like Steve or Bryan.

Your opinion is what it is but Tekken 5 is very well regarded and DR even more so.

they made everyone look like a roided street fighter monkey and the story took a major nosedive.
I'm a casual so I don't give a shit about online autism 5 people ever cared for.

there's not much reason to play 5:dr over 5 if you're just gonna play single player since 5:dr cut all the sp content

What is it about tekken in particular that makes people seethe so hard? I never see other fighting games generate these levels of cope.

Lots of people say tekken 5 is bad, the game was a broken pile of shit full of infinites, vanilla 5 is literally unplayable its such a fucking mess.

Alteast Eighting stepped in and fixed the game somewhat with DR

5 didn't have online, 5:DR did but it was shit people mainly played it in arcades or locals
and in that age it was more common to play with your friends even if you were a casual, 5 was much better than 4 for that

that's because other fighting games don't matter

>Tekken 4 has the best art design
Yeah, but everything else about it sucks. It was a disappointment after T3 and T5 was a return to form.

Its just a mediocre and very casual fighting game with a very low skill ceiling, most people grow out of tekken and move onto better more complex fighting games.

some people think that if street fighter and tekken die then someone would give a fuck about their trash ass games

Can you provide some examples? Also, what makes it casual in your opinion?

T5 felt too far removed from the classics imo.
I just didn't like it, ergo why my personal cutoff is 4. To be fair 6 is the worst

tekken is a button masher

it's the bloody roar discord autists, he posts the same pasta in every tekken thread and replies to himself
probably a bot anyway

It is interesting how few fighting games manage to sustain a playerbase and tekken is one of them. Fuck, I wish more fighting games were alive.

>That one tekken shill who spergs out about Bloody Roar in every fighting game thread
LMAO like clockwork, i hope namco is paying you well.

Actually tekken is dead as shit online

Tekken 3 was a massive hit on the ps1, they still benefit from that goodwill

no mike I will not play skullgirls sorry

I'm playing it right now and finding matches is easy on PC EU.

I'd start with Tekken 2, and go no further than Tekken 5

Its not just fighting game threads i have seen him post on Zig Forums with the same shit and even caught him on a Leffan stream screaming about the same bloody roar boogieman, the dude is legit mentally ill.

Meanwhile in reality.

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