ITT: "oh yeah, that existed"

ITT: "oh yeah, that existed"

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>Forced to destroy all retail copies.

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Was xbox 360 cursed?

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>as in past

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Really? Why?

>Dat orange, or orange/blue color scheme

didn't have the rights to the game engine they were using

Wait, what? Holy heck, I just searched the story on that.
I actually kinda liked the game, but only towards the end of it. It was just starting to get good and then the credits rolled. Such a bitch the story didn’t continue.

It's not like there were any left 4 years later

Fun fact, the game is free forever on Xbox, you can download it right now.
In fact MS just releases any game that's gonna have licensing problems for free, so this game, Crackdown 1 and 2 are free.

Oh i know how you feel.

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How stupid do you have to be to do this?

Oh? I still have the physical disc so no need there. The game is super short. It’s pretty cool lore, neat take on Norse mythology, kinda meh right up until the end where you start to get pumped for the next mission and then that turns out to be the end. I was so cock blocked.

It was more of a listening argument where the dev felt like epic was screwing them on the unreal engine development, so they tried suing, epic counter sued, the dev then just ripped a bunch of lines of code and made their own engine with it. They even copied dev notes so it was pretty open and shut case for the counter sue.

Does that work without having xbox live?

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All DLC free too, people still play Crackdown 1 and 2 as well, I went back for cheevos and I was able to find people in seconds, All backwards compatible.
My biggest regret was that I didn't get all the Horizon games since they just gave those out for free and then delisted it.

Say what you want about MS but they're pretty based

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Worth playing? I have it installed but never bothered to play.

Cool well I guess I know what i'm doing today

made for a cool ps3 icon though

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>Only released in XBLA, Mobile and PC
>Never got ported to PSN or Wiiware

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Jesus fucking christ the trainwreck

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Definition of.
I liked this game, it was a step back from its predecessor but was still fun

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considering it was supposed to reinvent JRPGs , yeah.

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Konami and Capcom were on some shit at the time trying to get the Western audience.

And keep in mind this got a sequel.

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Got a boxed copy with the loli face-plate for my 360

Licensing. Facepalm.

Eh. It’s kinda diablo esque in that it has randomly generated loot and is mostly action game slaughter the mobs combat. The areas are super basic and straightforward, not randomly generated. There’s only a few of them. I think I beat it all in like ten or twelve hours. It does have new game plus for replayability, but no reason to really. Like I said, kinda neat for lore and setting, but kinda eh story right up until the end. I was really grooving and what turned out to be the final cut scene had got me really pumped to keep playing and then out of nowhere the credits rolled.
Fun enough if you like Norse lore and have ten or so hours without anything better to do.

knack 3 will be announced tomorrow with the ps5

remember this post

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people don't even include this game when raking the releases.

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It takes incredible incompetence to release a multiplayer shooter where the sound did not work at all on a quarter of the maps (as in, no game audio at all) for about two weeks after release

>But then a phantom menace struck. George Lucas would periodically check in on the status of the games his company was making, lending creative input and advice. The developer I talked to sighs, and agitatedly says, “In one viewing of Fracture, [Lucas] said it looked really good, but he didn’t like [Mason Briggs’] name. We’re like, ‘What do you mean, George?’ He responded to the effect of, ‘It doesn’t really fit. When he jumps on stuff, he moves pretty fast. I like B.J. Dart.’

The magnet gun thing was super cool, too bad about the game

Red Steel 2 was based as fuck on wii. Swinging the remote + stabbing and shooting mechanics were fun.

Car combat is pretty fun. You just flick the stick and you smack into cars alongside you like you're backhanding them. And of course you got that buttery smooth voice with the right amount of grit to caress your ears.

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That game was great for ten dollars I miss that kind of low effort fun games companies used to make

This was decently fun. Felt like it was well put together for what it was.

Knack 1 was a piece of shit, but the second game was alright.

>tfw passed out on a CiB special edition for $20 because i had a 360 slim and thus had no use for the faceplate
Now i can't even find a copy of the game.