Why does Zig Forums collectively hate this game again? I thought it was at the very least decent

Why does Zig Forums collectively hate this game again? I thought it was at the very least decent.

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>le epic "i will post something retarded so that my thread gains traction" post

switch timelines recently?
I wish I could visit the one where Hitler won

this is probably the only game where you don't have to bait to start a thread

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if it works it works, have you taken a look at the catalog for the last few years?

Zig Forums used to hate it because of the shite story and clunky ass gameplay, did it get a patch or something or do people still just coom over the soundtrack?

I hate you

I figure this is a good question to ask in here, but do you guys prefer gameplay videos of people absolutely stunting on bosses or for the fights to be incredibly close and you get to see the boss use the various tools in their arsenal to effectiveness?


>Why does Zig Forums collectively hate this game again?
I'm pretty sure Zig Forums loves this game.

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MGRising is a great game if you think of it as a stand alone title.
but because of it being a Metal Gear game, people expected to see the exact same type of game they had been playing for a decade and were disappointed with both it's gameplay and tone.

9/10 bait
Almost fell for it

Almost perfect game, if the music wasn't so awful it would be the best game ever, Sonic adventure tier music, absolutely shameful.

>and tone.
the finale is more mgs in tone than fucking mgsv

Good bait
There is no game Zig Forums overall loves more. Haters and detractors are an extremely small minority. Because memes are the DNA of the soul.

>go to replay MGR
>Remember every stage sucks outside of the bosses
>Remember that there is no fucking boss rush mode
Seriously how is there no boss select mode?

I don't hate it, but it's not great. The level design is abysmal, and most combat encounters are pretty same-y because of the minimal enemy variety. The boss fights are the only strong point of the game. Aside from the memes the story isn't worth remarking on.

How overjoyed would Armstrong be in current-day America?

The only people who hate this game are the ones mad it's better than any other Metal Gear movie before it.

Maybe Ace Combat

It's babby's first action game and the fanbase is pretty insufferable beause of it. If there was ever a game that emodied the annoying "LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" mentality that most zoomers have, it's MGR. That said, it's not bad and is a steal for $10 and under, just incredibly overrated.

fpbp. Fuck OP and his gay thread, waiting for a proper MGR one.

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Becayse it's not that far from old GoW games, and v hates this shit

you can choose the boss fights in mission select

this, Zig Forums definitely likes this game

Did you cross world lines again?

The overwhelming majority of Zig Forums likes MGRR. Just look at all the Armstrong images that get circulation, the Zig Forums sing, and Armstrong being the King of Zig Forums in that prom thing Zig Forums hosted a few months (I think?) ago.

I just woke up from a dream where I was slicing up people with a sabre in a life-like VR
It was so awesome

I hope your dream becomes real. My VR Headset's coming soon and I need more content.

The only thing I know for real THERE WILL BE BLOODSHED


MGR 2 when?
I really want to play as Jack's kid
Or the B&B corps

God Hand?
You can actually buy it on PSN if you still have your PS3 hooked up.