Zig Forums never talks about this game

>Zig Forums never talks about this game

be honest, what rank are you?

Attached: csgo.png (940x400, 519.21K)

Silver 2.

ak something or other last time I played. Not very good. I also didn't really like the game, I just used it to trade shit, I made a couple thousand dollars from trade ups, and then called it quits.

Zig Forums doesn't like competitive games that aren't fighters

I think that the source engine is literally unplayable dogshit.

csgo is too hard for the average Zig Forums pleb to enjoy themselves. But they will still come into this thread and talk about how 1.6 was better without providing a valid reason.

I'm stuck on mge/dmg despite having 1.6 experience and a lot of hours in GO. Feels bad, but still enjoying the game from time to time.

My rank is CSS jailbreak chad

Global Elite and level 10 on faceit. Never played any other third party service.

Attached: csgorank.jpg (1448x367, 62.94K)

Ever since valve made the game free 2 play the playerbase got really fucking weird

Look at this pic, that's how the skill groups were back in like 2018ish and before. Now silver is a hell filled with smurfs and total paint huffing retards. I used to be a gold nova 2 or 3 back in the day and now I'm struggling to get out of silver cause my teammates are either complete retards or there's legendary eagle smurfs on the other team. Wallhax is also more common than you think and its harder to prove than aimhax so good luck reporting them for that shit.

It also doesn't help that valve keeps fucking with the guns so all the inutt vids are now out of date. The game itself isn't bad but valve should just come out with a new counter strike and make people pay for it to keep the plebs out and to reset all the hax.

Attached: csgo ranks.jpg (1080x1080, 106.61K)

How do I get good? I can’t seem to perform well in CS or Valorant, what’s a good way to practise besides playing matches since there’s plenty of downtime when I die

>playing a team based game with random retards
You only have yourself to blame.

I was CAL-M in 1.6 over 20 years ago, i'm too old for this shit now.

Play Deathmatch to practice aiming, play custom maps like aim_botz if you want a more consistent enviornment.
Practice spraying and tapping every day.
Watch pros play, copy their movement and grenade usage.

Because Zig Forums hates it for having spray patterns and inaccuracy during movement.

CS threads are full of retards who cannot understand basic mechanics. My guess is that there are a lot of people who played on a console and can't adapt to the game's style of play

CS has always been my favorite shooter, so I do play CSGO but I do so begrudgingly since the game has shitty movement. From day one the game always felt cheap compared to 1.6 and Source, like Valve outsourced it to an amateur studio because they never expected it to get so big. I wish it would die and Valve would develop a proper CS game for Source 2.

Only play deathmatch, I just want to shoot people.

>admitting that the average F2P CSGO player is so dumb that you have to 5 que every single fucking match to have a chance at winning
Thanks for proving my point numbnuts

Attached: tink.jpg (225x225, 9.18K)

>why do I have to play with a team in a team based multiplayer game
Exactly because it's full of braindead fucking shitters like you who just push the blame onto others instead of trying to improve.

Me and a buddy try-harded for a few weeks, got supreme, got sick of all the cheaters there and just down ranked to GN so we could play with our other friends again.

i was global elite when i used to play it

was DMG before the rank shift update
after the update it put me to Gold Nova 4 and then I played lesser and lesser until everytime I log in to the game I need to calibrate my rank again
currently at Silver Elite 4

I play every once in a while and I stomp every game since it's clearly not my elo and people keep calling me smurf
I think the rank shift update made it so that you need to actually grind in order to climb
that's not happening with me since I only play 2-3 games a month

Worst shooting mechanics ever, it's literally RNG based

Game filled with hackers, trannies and kids, done now kill yourself.

It's pointless to even go for Global since the vast majority of people Supreme and Global now are cheaters, actual good players play on third party clients. Also to answer OP, DMG but I always deranked to GN because it's fun and closer to where my friends were ranked. Haven't played in about a year now

Rank? I play arms race probably once every 6 months.

Only game that doesn't censor or ban you for saying the N word.
Love it!

Why is it so cpu-intensive? I have huge fps drops nowadays ,but back then during release days it was good.


SMFC. I think I could get GE if I cared about MM at all, but I'm highly suspicious that everyone I play with (on both teams) is a potential hacker, which just drags all the fun out of it. So, these days, if I ever play, it's usually faceit.

>match making doesn't exist, if you don't 5 que with 4 other personal frens then you're going to get lumped in with F2P retards that don't try at the game at all
You're still proving my point that the average person in match making is now a complete retard compared to how it was before the game went free 2 play. I actually top frag in most of my games but top fragging doesn't mean you can single handedly win all the games

Attached: 4-retards-in-rank.jpg (1024x1024, 65.28K)

It's "esports" though, nobody cares how fun or how good it is.

>my teammates are noobs I swear
>fucking smurfs
You made a choice to play with random people, stop acting like a bitchmade fuckboy. You matchmaking zoomers are a fucking disgrace. Not like I expected much from a source toddler but still.

There's a reason cs is still strong for the two decades.