Can girls be real gamers?

can girls be real gamers?

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girls aren't even real people.


only the tough ones

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only those females who pretends to be doujin koomers on the Internet that I manage to beraped

So long as your primary hobby is playing video games you are a gamer thats it.

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what if your primary hobby is playing video games but you don't play video games?


Only if they have silky feminine cock.

then you are a virgin

what if you're not a virgin but you self-identify as a virgin?

Then you are Zig Forums

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>still bored and horny

>another coom thread

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Yes, but that's rare and they probably have aspergers/autism

i wish someone did that to me

Not really. Exceptions exist but exceptions don't disprove the rule. My mom got me into gaming when I was like 3 and my first game was Sonic 2. Later on she got me into Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind. She was never particularly "good" at any game she played but unlike most girls she understood the game's "language" which a lot of girls tend to fail to grasp. Games are usually built to teach the player through its design but girls usually don't understand that.

I think the exceptions are girls like that, girls who understand that the game is trying to teach them to beat it. Such a simple concept that is usually completely ignored by the fairer sex.

I got too into fitgirls doing this that I told someone god I wish she would crush my head like a watermelon between those thighs and now im the company freakshow

you just said what everyone else is thinking

even so, no one would say it out loud and now they turn on me for good boy points
fucking judases and mufasas everywhere

Yes, but it basically requires them to become uncaring and jaded.


They're the only reason I come to Zig Forums

based! based! based!

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This, but unironically. Females aren't humans.

Yes, but they are insanely rare.

how I want to die

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only REALLY ugly ones. like so ugly even chad won't bother with them.
everyone else just does it for attention.


Ur mommy sounds like a saint, what's her steam ID?

She doesn't use steam. She usually spends most days in bed fingering through her pad and occasionally playing Classic WoW trying to recatch that fire.

what games do girls play

post lewds

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Yes they can healslut, but not as good as men.

they can be if they can play at least a few non-nintendo games from 20+ years ago to completion without feeling disgusted while streaming it.

bonus points for showing their real face and not covering up in digital anime face

Mind games, cock carousel, cheating, lying, divorce raping and so on.

i unironically get hyped when my healer who joins has a man voice.

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>i cant breathe!