What is the Eclipse moment in video games?

what is the Eclipse moment in video games?

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no game has really tried it

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Beginning of branch C in Automata is the only think I can think of.

>Eclipse moment

>"""""""bad"""""guy sacrifices a bunch of people to save billions

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Betrayal beyond comprehension

From the manga Berserk where a character chooses to sacrifice his comrades for power. He also rapes the main character's love interest in front of him while he has to chop off his own arm and his eye gets clawed out. Basically a life alternating event that changes the characters forever.

I think the attack on mother base kind of works like this.

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>Raiden, get of the console right now!

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"Its for the greater good bro"
>Rapes your wife in front of you

Fuck off normie.

valve betraying us

sounds based

World of Ruin

Dark Souls 3

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If there was any emotional buildup to it sure, but the story is very poorly told
Padding the game with side content also doesn't really help creating an emotional buildup

>Bioshock 1 "would you kindly" plot twist
>FF VII aerith's death
>Cake scene on Portal 1

This part fucked me up.

Was Berserk one of the heights of writing in Manga? I know it seemed to devolve into shit, like most manga when it reaches issue 400 and whatever.

A subversion but the idea and result are similar

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guy on the left gets his peepee cut off. he sacrifices this retard to endless rape by demons and becomes Batman.

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Is Griffith /ourguy/?

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Aeriths death is the closest that's for sure, but it isn't done by a close friend turned evil so still not quite.

Just because DS3 tries to reference berserk's eclipse, doesn't mean it's the vidya equivalent of the eclipse scene, in fact DS3 doesn't have any memorable moment.

It kind of peaks at that point. It's still strong in the next couple arcs but it goes out the window once the Witch shows up and the JRPG party is formed.

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you know that "top 10 anime betrayals" meme? this is why that started.

I didn't post scenes similar to the eclipse moment, I posted equally shocking scenes which left the players a similar impact.

uuuuuuuh culling of stratholme?

god damn the movie made this scene so fucking hot

Probably this.

Maybe the World of Ruin in FF6.

None of these really qualify because the Eclipse moment OP is talking about requires a protagonist, a very good friend of the main characters (and also a main character himself), sacrificing or betraying all of them for power or greed. It's gotta be a situation so heinous that none of the main cast recover from the fallout.

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You retards out yourselves.

Lost Children has always and will always be the best arc

The 1997 version had more soul.

You mean create a crisis to save people from as the false savior he is.

It was outsourced to a hentai studio allegedly. It's a shame the first movie was so shit because the second two were a big improvement. They shitcanned it after this one but Studio 4c was going to do the Lost Children arc after this one.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly.

Don't forget the infamous horse sequence. The Bible dude was fucking great though.

I still think Conviction arc is the true high point of Berserk and after that it went on a nose dive so steep there's no recovery.

As I said, i'm didn't post scenes that are literally the same as the eclipse scene, I just posted moments equally shocking and relevant, basically legendary moments in the history of vidya.

>“You’re insane, Snake! He was one of your men!”
>“You yourself said we’re a family! Or was it all lies?!”
>“Shooting your own men… That’s not the Big Boss I knew!”

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