When are eroges and porn games going to become mainstream?

When are eroges and porn games going to become mainstream?

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Are they not?
remember: the internet is FOR porn.

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When they'll start to make good ones.

Never, because AO rated games aren't sold in stores and would need more verification than a simple "enter your DOB" on an e-shop.

Name of the whore?

she's so hot..

I wish I was that chair

i'm going to die a virgin

Is this women boxing?

>strap gap

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is it okay to coom to whitoid females?

Is there an end to this?

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Never because the contrivance required to both play a game and jerk off is too much for people that aren't as cripplingly retarded as op. Kind of like how I can want to fuck that girl but also not be sexually aroused because she looks like a dumb cunt attention whore sitting on a chair in a boxing ring. Thats why fighting games are as deep as coombait usually gets

Imagine being a woman, literally by existing she makes majority of Zig Forums get horny for her and have wet dreams. A woman like this could walk up to any Zig Forumstard and smile at them and the losers here would cream their pants at eye contact. Women are superior

that doesnt seem to be helping. xstoryplayer is fucking great for a porn game but because only 10 people care about it the dev seems to have given up on it

the moment they hit Steam

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Lauren Summer

Because it looks like any shovelware shitty 3D porn game made with base assets.
It's either that or RPG makers games. In both case, no one will care.

Are there any eroge that let me get to know a cute girl and slowly become closer with it ultimately ending in lovey dovey sex

we're already getting there user

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I still remember the xstoryplayer threads from a few years ago.
It was absolutely hilarious.

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I want her to step on my dick (with the heels)!!!

A shame its dead. Was very interesting.
Still fap from time to time to it

1) to be able to directly pay the dev

that's it, there is no other step, but that one is already really trick to pull off, and the dev can't just do whatever product he wants and people to purchase it, if that one step is covered, porn no, any games would flourish

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modern western devs are afriad of putting sexy women in their resume you really think its possible for eroges to become mainstream?

For me it's Wild Life

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ah yes, physical stores
the only way to get video games these days

Read the rest of the post moron

>nippon porn games
Nothing more annoying than whiny japanese anime bitches.

Around the time the very first porn game actually finishes development, because literally none have.

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The day people realize rated R should be rated R. There's literally no real reasons why ultraviolence is okay but sex isn't. It's mostly just based on Americas retarded view on anything sexual.

Love how clothing there puts pressure on the boobs