Has a videogame ever helped you accept that you have a mental illness?

Has a videogame ever helped you accept that you have a mental illness?

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I accepted that on my own
Thanks for reminding me you piece of shit

>Hat kid poster is behind this

i think i have autism, how do i know for sure?

You can get tested for it, my mom got me tested, and I apparently wasn't.

I dont trust the people at my local clinic, any other way?

Guess how?

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I very rarely post Hatkid at all. I usually Splatoonpost.
I've made a thread kinda similar to this with Niko from Oneshot, I think. That's about it.

Ya Mirrors Edge.

Baba Is You made me accept that I am retarded for not figuring out the puzzles.

Why did they nuke this kid again?

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>people on Zig Forums keep shilling baba
>try it out because the artstyle looks cute
>get filtered on the third level
I guess I'm just mentally retarded

with doki doki literature club

Videogames as a whole made me realize I hate the bl*cks

If I had to guess, his design sucked major dick. They went with the character they did for brownie points, no doubt, but she looks way better than that dude.

Gay, goofy face paint, not a cute little black girl.

No boys allowed?

>not having your face painted as a kid at least 1x
I had a kitty cat on my face once. Jelly?

So you accept your mental illness?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok now that you put it that way, it's pretty based.

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They removed this guy as well

Glad you could see my point.

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Interesting, care to elaborate?

Anyone who plays games like A Hat in Time or Celeste definitely has a mental illness.

I'm not sure how the two are related.

Fucking BASED.
Same here user

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Yeah you are.

I mean ok, Hatintime wasn't a great game to me. I haven't played since the DLC's came out so maybe they make it better. But the original release seemed pretty basic to me. As a game that was trying to revive the old SM64 style of 3D platformers, it seemed to miss the point of what's appealing about that game and had little substance. I also only played it once, so maybe there's some depth I haven't realized, but my initial opinion is it's pretty basic.

Celese is an entirely different genre, but I found it to be a much more fulfilling game. Even as someone who's pretty jaded on "masochist 2D platformers", I thought it afforded the player a surprising amount of freedom in how they played, as much as those kinds of games can at least. Its main strength is its pacing. Anyway I'm not trying to write a whole review on the game but my point is, if your point is that the games are bad, I kind of agree on Hat in Time but not really Celese. Either way they're very different games in general. The latter definitely takes some level of autism to appreciate though, so maybe that's your point, I don't know.

I wanna ____ Bow Kid!

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kneel on

>it seemed to miss the point of what's appealing about that game-
It's fun movement mechanics, and a Hat in Time has those, retard.

That's part of the point, yeah. Not the whole thing though. Hatin Time is missing something. I'm not about to go into the whole thing. If you liked Hat in Time that's great.


I kneel...


minecraft isn't that bad, no reason to hate blocks

I miss fun times with Zig Forums on cuteandfunny

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