What's his name again?

What's his name again?

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Benedict Miller
aka Punished "Tails" Snape
True name: Big Boss's Fanta


Cheeseburger Freedom Man

roses are red
is that a black?
boss if you fulton it
im sending it back

duke nukem

Albert Wesker

Kazuhira "Only master race on my motherbase" Miller

Kaz "Nigger Killer" Miller
Kaz "Every fultoned nigger makes my burgers bigger" Miller
Kaz "If you fulton a black don't bother coming back" Miller
Kazuhira "If you fulton a nigger the mass grave just gets bigger" Miller
Kaz "No blacks in my fulton extracts" Miller
Kazuhira "If you fulton a kike, I'll take a hike" Miller
Kaz "Empty my 9 on the Welfare Line" Miller
Kaz "One man Klan" Miller
Kaz "Nigger Grave Digger" Miller
Kaz "The Number One Authority On Killing Minorities" Miller
Kaz "No Darky Malarky" Miller
Kaz "White Future, Bright Future" Miller
Kaz "If they're dark, I'll leave a mark" Miller
Kaz "If he's black, break his back" Miller
Kaz "Put every nig in the brig" Miller
Kaz "Hang that nigger from the pillar" miller
Kazuhira "If it's Black i'll ship it back" Miller
Kaz "If there's a nigger you see, give him the CQC" Miller
Kaz "if you fulton a fag, I'm emptying a mag" Miller
Kaz "if you fulton a coon, I'm shooting the balloon" Miller
Kaz "if you fulton a jew, I'm coming after you" Miller
Kaz "We're Diamond Dogs not welfare for nignogs" Miller
Kaz "Load rap music into your hind and I'm putting an RPG on your behind" Miller
Kazuhira "For every black I murder, Code Talker gets a burger" Miller
Kaz "Only one race on motherbase" Miller
Kazuhira "Ain't no business like kikongo killing business" Miller
Kazuhira "launching grenades on the nigglet parade" Miller
Kaz "Facing Trump Tower While Chanting White Power" Miller
Kaz "One Man Klan" Miller
Kaz "The Third Reich was Right." Miller
Kaz "Slope-Slicer" Miller
Kaz "Killing Spree at the KFC" Miller
Kaz "Going Mental on the Oriental" Miller
Kaz "The Spook Nuke" Miller
Kaz "Drown the Brown" Miller
Kaz "Drowned a Chink in the Kitchen Sink" Miller
Kaz "If it's Brown, Put it Down" Miller

This is a good thread
I haven't finished MGSV, I'm at the mission where you rescue code talker, is this all japes or does Miller actually hate blacks for some reason? I thought it was just quiet and the kids

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Mods really need to start handing out bans to anyone making light of the recent racial oppression situation. Racism shouldn't be allowed, even jokingly.

It's shit originating from a fake E3 2014 leak. I was there. It was very accurate except for one strange part where Miller hits black kids and calls them niggers

Ocelot: "Kaz what the hell are you doing?!"
Miller: The Lord's work.

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Attached: good old kaz.webm (800x450, 2.82M)

>After that, one of the kids we adopted at outer heaven, David's brother, fucking kills him and steals his look

You said One Man Klan twice.

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>when you mess with Huey's legs

Kaz ingame is sometimes snarky about the people you fulton
There's a lot of black people in the game you can fulton cuz Africa
You can figure out the rest

Why include that if they have accurate info? They’re probably sitting back right now laughing at the meme they created


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Andre Richardson



video game logic

arian genes being stronger than asian

what did she do story-wise again? all i remember was something about birds

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She was the one who recorded the bosses ai pod and strangeloves convo. A hint that paz was lying. Plus shes great for your intel team.

That's basically it, she mimics birds and accidentally records the mammal pod talking, which is he tape Paz shows up with at the start

Kazuhira "Embezzle GMP For Your Burgers" Miller

Thank god her and amanda were spared from the fate of the rest of MSF.

Chico didn't deserve it though, he was a lil bro, and loved UMAs. Some may have disliked him, but I enjoyed his tapes that flesh him out.