Bitches and whores

Bitches and whores

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Imagine if he said that in a game today. Zig Forums would be two weeks of non-stop seething and rage. Swearing they would boycott atlus forever. They would start twitter hashtags and swear they weren't mad

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Nobody gives a fuck about "hurr police bad" you fuickwit, they care about when they say "hurr, because police sometimes kill a black person, htat means ALL white people are racists who are keeping us down, therefore lets BURN EVERYTHING".

The one thing that amuses me is that you retards are shooting yourselves in the foot and don't care/realize it, enjoy the Gulag fucker, that's where all of you fuckers end up when it turns out to be not true Communismâ„¢.

Go fuck yourself you disengenious fuck, yes I'm mad, yes I'm upset at this anti-white bullshit, and I don't give a shit what instinctive reaction you to that term, it is functionally what is happening.

And if you're NOT a part of that crowd, god fucking help you that you're so acceptant of what people who fucking HATE you say about you, that you accept it's true. Stop accepting this fucking evil shit.

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>All that projection
Not even related to what he posted schizo user

Adachi would still be based. V would have an influx of threads like the Maruki pnes

If someone did that today it'd be an explicit political statement, retard.

Politics existed 10 year ago user

It is directly fucking related to what he said, he's pretending people care about when people say "police bad".
No one, does, that's fucking accepted as true by everyone.
What they have "non-stop seething and rage" is the greater issue that it is intrinsically related to, i.e, the fucking narrative that this incident supports, even though by any fucking standard it is false.


How come the Japanese have this very accurately pessimistic insight on human nature despite being a nation of socially retarded autists.

Context matters, you small brain jogger.

Take your pills.

Prep the bull.

He's right. "Natural Police" is a myth, especially in modern society. Cops literally go through negative selection to become cops. I've never met a cop that wasn't some sort of swindler, or immediately didn't start playing games to get you to incriminate yourself. That's why the "Don't Talk to Police"/"I don't answer questions" videos even exist...

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Lot of anger in this thread

Are you under the impression there weren't people who hated cops or thought racism was bad. The anti-cop movement is literally centuries old. Stop thinking your lifetime is special

I mean, this shit series is stuffed with woke shit anyway. Like every westernized weeb series.

Only 40-IQ autists like it

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Not him.

>The anti-cop movement is literally centuries old.
And the anti-white movement that has latched onto it is fairly recent.

>Stop thinking your lifetime is special
I have people actively championing my genocide/brutalization because me existing inherently oppresses them.
This is very fucking "special" for me you asshole.
Not only that, you have mainstream leaders and crops fucking supporting them openly, with no repercussions.
Why shouldn't I be concerned.

Why did uchi have to fall so badly

>I have people actively championing my genocide/brutalization because me existing inherently oppresses them.
lmao the victim complex. Name one major political leader in the US who has said any of that. last time I checked it was trump tear gassing people literally just standing.

God your so weak. just go outside for 2 seconds

>massive looting and riots
>tear gassing people literally just standing
ok friendo


The people weren't looting or rioting. In this specific case they were standing.

Also please name political leaders please

Godawful overrated villain. Who thought it was a good idea to take a basic murdery mistery episode you'd see on daytime TV and stretch it over 80 hours?

>It's not happening
"White supremacy" as the accepted definition by Antifa fuckwads and BLM is inherently tied to white people existing, having their own states, and being successful.
These people believe I should be marginalized based on the color of my skin.
These people believe any property I have should be given to the masses/black people respectively.
They fucking celebrate white people becoming more marginalized.

>Name one major political leader in the US
Every fucking Democrat leader has taken the knee towards BLM.

>victim complex
I have a victim complex because people openly want to victimize me.
Fuck you.

seething whit*id.

>Angry white person
Yes. Yes I am.
The fact that all you can do is say "You're angry" with no fucking way to deflate that anger demonstrates how incapable you are at refuting it.
I assume you're white, ff you are, stop being a cynical shit funposting on the internet and actually look up what these people advocate.
This should fucking terrify you.

it doesn't terrify me because i'm not an incel

i'm 6'3, built, and have an arractive face. nobody cares about me being a white devil because the halo effect is all that matters. i am immune. all those art hoes that decry whites are the some ones that begged to get choked by guys like me

t. not a princess

Holy fuck you're retarded.
Setting aside the absolute stupidity of allowing these people in because "lmao if won't hurt ME", and the fact that you're not a 7 foot, 14 inch penis chad, you are the exact type of person who will be hurt the most if these people actually achieve power, the exact person they will most want to see in the fucking dirt, since you're everything that they hate.

>racism good
>police brutality good
You deserve it.

it was incel rage?