Western game title

>western game title
>Deathkill 2
>japanese game title
>Sturmjäger Densetsu Gaiden Act. III: Hardful Nights of Shimmering Skies /RE;mix/

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Never Knows Best

>i dont get it
missed opportunity my man

that's not the same skit

wrong way down a one way street

What’s wrong with Japanese game titles?

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>Sturmjager Densestu Gaiden Act. III: Hardful Night of Shimmering Skies /RE;mix/
Nah it's "Legneds of Dragoon Kaiser Taisen Knights Loliconica Panty Chronicles XVIII Part Five re;Re;mix: Royal Gold-Platin[um] Arcane/Necronomica Ed:ition

>that fucking bottom text
People unironically think that's cool

Attached: 1588918122171.jpg (305x318, 23.1K)

>we're all here to see ye, we all love ye

Attached: sadpat.png (128x125, 31.39K)


Das bewtiful ye faw term wud be prad

yer fether wud be prowd

they're just trying to capture the essence of Tsukihime, but no one can bullshit like Nasu

Attached: blue blue.jpg (425x341, 21.47K)


Same reason people get bullshit kanji tattoos.
Japanese are too retarded for English so it's purely aesthetic.

>[Game]: [Subtitle]
>[Game] Part 3
>[Game] IIII
>[Game] (year)

Made me laugh. Good job.

Nigga they do this shit with everything
>Pokemon the movie 2000
>Pocket Monsters the movie, The phantom pokemon, Lugia's explosive birth!

It's cool if you have no idea what's being said. Like a Latin chant, but Nips don't have a Rome they only have us.

>some weeb defends it as "well it's more descriptive!"

Attached: feeeeeh.jpg (343x481, 38.91K)

You're not supposed to defend Deathkill 2 in this example either.

Japan have better box art for games but their titles are just as shitty if not worse than their western counterparts. A bit tired of every game over here having Revelations or Origins or Odyssey as a subtitle though

Japanese light novel titles being novels in enough themselves never don't not make me giggle.

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Frankly, these days I'm just happy it's not Deathkill (2017).

that's my boy

>Spaniard title
>El super fantabuloso viaje magico del chaval Carmelo: las ostias guay apuraos que os pillan


I can't even differentiate western titles anymore, they're all nonsenical one word bullshit like
or pseud shit like
>Dying Light
>Gone Home
I can go on

What a trainwreck of a post, user.

>>Deathkill 2
You forgot to mention that DeathKill 2 is actually either the 1st or 4th game in the series, and not even the series proper but the soft reboot of the series.