What's the best transformation or power up in vidya?

what's the best transformation or power up in vidya?

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this one

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I'm glad you asked

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This one 1/2

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blessed thread

>Chest increases tenfold.
>Ass size increases only marginally
Do gooks just hate ass cheeks? Tits are fine, but you can't have comedically large tits and not have an ass to back it up. It's an awful to look at.


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This manga ended so hilariously badly it felt intentional

Wasn't it cancelled or something?

Check out Teruwo

FFVI Terra's esper transformation, obviously.

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The most troll ending that will ever exist.

Bad angle, she has a sizable ass she is also 6feet so pretty big

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Majora's Mask had a bunch of transformations but not the best one from alttp

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If I remember right the author just got bored and dragged one arc out for like 30 chapters and then had no idea where to take it so then went "Fuck it. Bad ends for everyone"

The author was mad about his manga about Robert Johnson flopping
This was his revenge

>You have been warned

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He took the fan favorite (op meiko) and killed her, brought her back, killed her and then but not really for at least six straight chapters during a tournament arc that lasted so long DBZ was blushing, then pulled a fast one where it turns out the entire school was really a prison for the chad principal all along (what?) and no fan pairing happened so everyone was alone or whatever by the end

I'd believe it

user, you perv.

What are you talking about? i didnt even know the manga was finished. Im still hoping for a season 2 for the anime

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There is literally nothing video games happening in this entire thread.



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Oh yeah wasn't this supposed to be harem genre? What the fuck happened? And why does Kate make my dick hard

>Protag did not keep Hana's panties in his drawer as he claimed, but was actually wearing it to the love confession. When Hana pulled off his pants to reveal this twist of events, he could no longer hold back his bladder and urinated on both Hana and Chiyo. Reflecting on himself, Kiyoshi realized that even if the love confession did not end horribly, his relationship with Chiyo was built upon that one lie that he did not peep on the girls during that fateful night. The ending also strongly implied that ultimately, the love confession failed and Chiyo become misandric, following Mari's footsteps.

>Meiko subsequently assisted Mari to attempt to force Kate to surrender by kicking Risa and Mitsuko Yokoyama off Andre, but Kate pulled an ultimate trump card in the form of Mitsuko's clumsiness. This resulted in the destruction of the prison and forces the cavalry match to be declared a tie between the ASC and USC.

>After the match, Kiyoshi attempted to solicit sponsorship from the USC for the upcoming BBQ party. Meiko was infuriated and accused Kiyoshi of trying to rip her off when he quickly bargained down from the proposed 20,000 yen to merely 1,000 yen per head. Meiko was last seen putting Andre through physical abuse by lifting him up and throwing him down, much to the protest of Risa. Meiko's initial plan was to use Andre as a substitute for a barrel to impress Mari with a barrel-throwing performance during the BBQ party. Andre was eventually moved by Risa's concern for his well-being and decided not to go through with the barrel-throwing performance, instead ordering a barrel to be delivered to the BBQ venue instead. Nevertheless, Meiko quickly disregarded these turn of events to focus her attention on finding Mari after realizing she was going to leave school. Meiko and Kate went to the airport together, on the way arguing with each other on who Mari likes more. They failed to catch up with Mari, and sat down together by the seashore in silent regret.

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Blessed post.

It infuriates me that she is supposed to have a fat booty, but the game doesn't give it to her.
Flat titty + big ass is my favorite combo

Have you read his new manga? I think the mangaka just went insane.

>series is cancelled just before the entry that would use a new engine likely giving each girl proportions in line with their cg art
It still hurts.

Is Etrian Odyssey actually good or was it just DS memes?

kek "how to rake in cash and set it on fire Joker style .png"

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Well if is any indication he forgot he was writing a fucking harem

Hana is in my top 5 of anime/manga girls. I would love to be embraced by her and lay my head on head thighs. Comfy...

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>I think the mangaka just went insane.
Examples user. Didn't even know there was a new manga
If I had the talent to draw transdendent tier H material and pigeonholed myself to only ecchi joke memes for ten years roughly about the same subject/theme every manga I'd probably go nuts too


I thought there were basically only two in game senran bodies. The "Mirai" body type and the "everyone else" body type.

Post an actual trans formation next time :)

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>Is Etrian Odyssey actually good
Literally the best turn based dungeon crawler on the console market.

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>I think the mangaka just went insane.
Oh really? What was the first signs? The fact the nigga had his "main character" turn into come creeper that pisses on women? After he tried to fucking hang himself