PS5 Event game leak : Everywhere from Leslie Benzies

my friend who works at this secretive build rocket studio in Edinburgh

its a next gen exclusive game will be on PC-PS5-XSX at 2021 (target date)

from what i understand from what he said to me , it will define a new genre. It is single player - multiplayer - mmo - fps and tps at same time.

At best stupid definition would be from what he said "cyberpunk + 1984 + second life + gta + westworld" combined but it's very unique game. It uses full power of next gen tech like SSD. You play your own character , basically it will have infinite content, users will able to craft their own vehicles in game shop , design their own houses in actual network of game and so on.

You will have jobs , missions and character paths. Currently there are 25-30 path you can take.

Build on Amazon's engine , all publishing done by Leslie and some 3rd party funds , budget is near to 750 Million$. Currently 550(edinburgh + budapest) devs + outsource companies working on it.

Lots of old R* stuff working on it. It's life or death situtation for Leslie if it fails company will likely go bankrupt , if it succeed R*-2K have to shake up big time.

It will be revealed today at PS5 event with 7 minute(ish) long demo

Attached: Screenshot Capture - 2020-06-11 - 13-41-02.png (550x495, 418.16K)

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>my friend

I hope it bombs

I can't give my source(friend) sorry. You will see in 10 hours if it's real , feel free to call me out then.

Why? R* got stale with all micro transactions and terrible game play-writing. Not to mention crunch and terrible work practices

>multiplayer - mmo


If it is well done you would like it. Who wouldnt want a complete virtual world that you can immense and be whatever fuck you wanna be.

Attached: ready-player-one-11.jpg (681x383, 293.41K)

>stupid high budget
could have made 30 excellent games instead of this garbage.

because I prefer single-player games that I can play 100 years from now, not GaaS pieces of junk riddled with retards and microtransactions

sound like something that will receive a tremendous cancellation

>It is single player - multiplayer - mmo - fps and tps at same time.
so it is like destiny

Not really. People dont play many games in life time , they play only great ones.

People buy GTA and be done with console gens , if its well done as GTA it can be great.

Dunno , it will launch obviously but depends on if they can market it big and hype it "From creators of GTA" like

>next gen tech like SSD

Destiny doesn't have TPS mode no?
Also neither it has jobs , you basically have to play a soldier/warlock whatever a dude in armor.

Here you can be much more from What i understand. You can be shopkeeper/trader. A car dealer with ability to customize vehicles - sell them

fuck off you retarded shill

>Destiny doesn't have TPS mode

>Also neither it has jobs , you basically have to play a soldier/warlock whatever a dude in armor.

Okay, so it is like destiny with jobs. Wooaah
Go away marketer/developer, nobody cares about your shit game

Sounds like that one game Kickstarter game on pc that people said it was a scam. The one where everyone could have a job, build their own houses, start businesses, and even elect other players for government positions.

sounds like a gay attempt to try and tackle GTA Online and the weird GTA RP bullshit

sounds more like second life but with gameplay, either way this is fake, if it isnt fake its going to fail horribly and bankrupt alot of people

But it comes from literally creator of world biggest and best selling franchise. I mean he has more credibility then any of those scam projects.

Not to mention enormous budget and very big & old R* dev team

The Lez-dog BTFOing the Housers would be pretty glorious.

Well GTA Online is huge success no wonder he is so butthurt to try his own

>being this desperate to shill your shitty gaem

The problem with shit like this is that "a world where players do jobs instead of NPCs!" is that jobs are fucking boring. Fallout 76 buckled and threw in NPCs after their grand plan fell in a heap.

also doesn't take into account the suspension of disbelief when you try to make a realistic world, but you've got idiots just staring at each other doing floss emotes and running into walls, purposefully getting ran over, jumping off buildings etc

holy cringe, imagine making this up only to get some (You)s

Where does it says there wont be NPCs though.
I agree without NPC it would feel shit.

>basically it will have infinite content
We've heard this one before and it's never a good sign

Isn't that what Minecraft is ? its pretty successful though

Take-Two Interactive levied a legal warning against Royal Circus Games, citing the similarity of its acronym (RCG) to Take-Two's subsidiary Rockstar Games (RSG) as infringement of intellectual property, while also decrying their employment of Rockstar North staff as a deceptive tactic to create an affiliation between them.[3]

HOLY Cringe. Take Two is desperate.

Sounds neat if its real. but with 750 mil budget and being an mmo fps tps multiplayer singleplayer. it's not gonna do very well.

It's a fluff phrase that doesn't mean anything. Fucking Tetris has "infinite content"

Depends on sales & legs. If its a normie fest like GTA it could do well.

>750 million
you're a retard if you think anyone actually believes you.

It is full budget of game , you are a retard if you think development alone would take 750M . Marketing and other cost add a lot nigga last COD games are similiar range as well.

If it's MMO it would need lots of money to properly do run servers and shit

>it will define a new genre. It is single player - multiplayer - mmo - fps and tps at same time.
Looter Shooter #1427 ?


>Build on Amazon's engine
What are some other games that use that?

10 games or so

it is basically a fork of CryEngine

Attached: chris.jpg (1024x768, 115.93K)

Star Citizen

my dad works at nintendo

We know but where does your mom works at?

at my dick

Don't tell me it is going to be subscription based or someshit. I aint paying 15$ to play some gta online rip off