Has a videogame ever taught you anything/educated you? even by accident

has a videogame ever taught you anything/educated you? even by accident
>believe it or not, english is not my 1st language, but I can read/write/speak it perfectly thanks to videogames
>I plan to learn french and german next
>Assasin's Creed taught me a bit of history
>Red Dead Redemption taught me about life in the Old Wild West
>Katawa Shoujo taught me how to love and talk to girls ;3
hos about you, luvs?

Attached: American history class.jpg (940x974, 225.1K)

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I learned that Cossacks exist cause if civ

Improved my English a lot.
I learned more from hentai doujins tho. Like how to better treat my little sister

>Katawa Shoujo taught me how to love and talk to girls ;3
How's that working out for you?

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Runescape taught me managing my time and money, how to identify scams and liars, and basic economics.

I'm dating a girl that looks just like an older version of Lily (28). She's not blind, but she has asthma and hearing problems

Attached: lily.png (950x1200, 428.45K)

She's probably obese and retarded.
You could never score a hottie.

holy cringo post

Fallout 4 made me interested in american history. Now I'd like to visit Boston some day; what I've seen in Streetview looks nice.

look at this dude assuming stuff about others on an anonymous image-board

They propably did but how the hell am I supposed to remember

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My european geography is pretty good from playing grand strategy games

TES Oblivion taught me to identify several plants including aloe vera, flax flowers, ginseng, fly amanita, foxglove, lavender, milk thistle, and leeks.

This place always tells the truth about the relationships. It is always right.

Rdr is real fun but it's not exactly an accurate portrayal of how things were.

Video games taught me the government is evil and a free state is the only solution

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I totally assumed fly amantia was a fictional fungus, as well as a lot of others in the game, because of the game being fictional.
I just learned that taproots are a real thing, too.

>other stonetoss

More like
>good stonetoss

>my English still sucks, but I can understans even Australians lol
>Valkyrie Profile got me interested in Norse mythology
>thanks to Alpha Protocol, I've "discovered" acoustic kitty

>>good stonetoss
So stonetoss?
lol back to the subreddit antifa, don't you have federal investigations to worry 'bout now terrorist?

I had a similar experience, I was surprised when I looked around in the world and realized those are real herbs

>>Assassin's Creed taught me a bit of history
Bad source mate

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Until a local rapper takes over and starts beating people who don’t obey. Lol! In all seriousness anyone in that zone should be gassed to death immediately



Sure you're not jelous that you're sitting in your mom's room and Chads are in the CHAZ fucking qt's and smoking weed?

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hello, reddit

>accuse the other side of what you are/do
okay, this is epic

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Metal Gear briefly references the Sacco & Vanzetti trials. I was interested enough to read about them myself.

Attached: world without borders.jpg (640x368, 63.56K)

>he actually browses reddit
I was right, not big surprise

I have literally never been on reddit, I saved that in an earlier thread.

Sure, sweetie

if they want autonomy so badly, why not just found their own city/settlement somewhere else. why within a city that already exists and has elected rulers?

MGS 1-3 & 5, haven't played 4, introduced a lot of stuff to me. MGS1 said the nuclear superpowers weren't disarming even though they said they would. MGS2 taught me about Federation Day and how important Freedom of Speech on the internet is. MGS3 made me realize Russia has jungle areas. Lastly, MGS5 introduced me to the philosophy that language informs a person's train of thought.

Attached: MGS Handshake.gif (400x288, 2.83M)

Because they don't own land or posses the ability to build houses? Do you really need me to tell you this?
People just want to keep living where they live.

I had 6th grade spelling in 1st year thanks to video game, but then fucking Europeans got me to misspell airplane as aeroplane which made me lose the spelling bee

Are these people retarded, this will accomplish nothing

Jet Set Radio taught me that all cops are bastards.

mario if he real

Only a thot deals in absolutes
