Voice chat should be removed from video games it isn't inclusive. If you disagree you're wrong

Voice chat should be removed from video games it isn't inclusive. If you disagree you're wrong.

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if this thing identifies as a deer does that mean i can run it over with my car with no repercussions

She's right, though.


>voice chats are removed from games
>people who didn't want to use outside voice programs are now at a loss for communication besides text chat, can cause suffering performance
>people who gladly pick up discord or whatever else have full advantage due to communication
I don't get why this is so hard for people advocating "her" side to get.
But I guess having a vague, going nowhere point makes people confused (ie. some people think it's about harrassment for being bad, others tell "her" to mute when "her" entire point is that "she" can't communicate because "she" sounds like a dude and "she'll" be "misgendered") so you can act like a complete victim about all the people calling out your lame shit is probably "her" plan.

>the state of while males
y'all are schizo trannies, incels or altrights LMAO

literally who cares, this thing wont be around in like 10 years anyway


Your asian pp will never get bigger

>live in a world of pure fantasy
>go online
>use voice chat
>"hey dude can you help me over here"
>psyche absolutely shatters, get PTSD

imagine being this creature

No, it's just cancer and should be removed for the betterment of the industry because it's one of the ways they abuse you into buying shit that should be an unlockable.


Yeah, she's right

How is this person not in an insane asylum or mental institution of any kind?

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He smiles like Schwarzenegger in Terminator.

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I will celebrate when it commits suicide.

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People who try to fight for inclusivity are the ones who are the most asshole-ish, trying to repent for the mistakes they've done for internet clout.

Well, don't you have to call the forest guards or whatever when you hit an animal? Or just throw it's corpse in a ditch and be done with it.

>I identify myself as a FUCKING DEER tehee
Why? How do you end up like this? I seriously want to know. This ''person'' is genuinely mentally illness

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I want freaks like this to run the world so I can have a government issued sex worker.


Why so many Americans are mentally handicapped

Not soon enough.

Look at our leaders.

Because being transgender isn't part of the new DSM. I don't know if believing you're a deer is though.

>guy with dyslexia tells her about how voice chat helps him communicate and asks why it should be removed
>promptly makes fun of his disability using his disability against him, and tells him to fuck off
What a cunt.

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Kinda looks like Jared Fogle

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>twitch did literally nothing beyond saying "they don't represent our views and don't actually have power"
Twitch is probably terrified that the tranny would kill themself if they took away the title

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What shithole state do you live in? The most you have to do in most states is just tag the fucking thing in case you get stopped by the Game Wardens

Twitch has bigger problems than some tranny deer person on a council with zero authority. They're essentially the UN of Twitch.

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State of the 2020 summed up in one dude.

Which ones? You have hundreds of them.

>hes never wanted to be a smol cute deer before

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Who fucking cares what the people sound like? Jesus Christ. I don't like voice chat usually because people are retarded, not because of how they sound. Doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.

No, he's left

So is this thing biologically a male?

The insane are put in power.
Rome is falling.

You could take the corpse, drive it home and cook it and nobody would notice. Would recommend, venison is great.

Twitch is the worst platform on the internet by far. If you actually care about it in any way shape or form then you are a bottom feeder.

formerly a white male

God, she's so hot lads

In a world ruled by this retards I doubt you could even touch sexual workers.

I thought Venison was a phone company.

What's 2nd and 3rd place?

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>"they don't represent our views and don't actually have power"
Where's the statement on that? I was out of the loop.
I mean, I fetishize being a female deer in fantasies that will never happen because I am human , and petplay as one.
It's a whole separate thing to say "yes I *AM* a deer!"

Leafland. When we hit a big animal, we sometimes have to call to mention it. But if I roll on a skunk, just keep going and don't give a fuck.

So just a mentally ill guy that decided to mutilate himself.


She's right

I know you're just fucking around but honestly I'm still revolted

I know, I love me some meat pies with venison.

He's left


controllers should be removed from video games because they aren't inclusive.

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this faggots wrong because hes so ugly

Why do people believe that cutting their dick off will somehow solve all of their problems?

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She's right