This game is fucking bullshit...

This game is fucking bullshit. The evidence seems tangentially related to questions at the best of times and you instantly fail with no chance to ask again even if you have the correct evidence in your posession and select "doubt" instead of "accuse" because what your character is asking has no relation to what the fucking evidence is.
Sometimes 2 pieces of evidence could seem relevant but the game only accepts one of them as the answer.
Trial and error with no way to savescum except restarting the entire case. Fucking stupid.

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Fuck you, I like it.

use your notebook and look for the """"""""""""subtle""""""""""""""""" facial cues

Do you really expect good things from a rockstar game?

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You do realise that you can't really fail the cases, right? You just keep going if you fuck it up, and solve the crime another way. Why would you want to save scum?

Its not hard to tell when the person is full of shit, it's hard to tell when the evidence you have is solid enough to "accuse" instead of "doubt". "Accusing" should lead to a fail if the answer was "truth" but if you "doubt" when you should have "accused" you should fucking be able to "accuse" after.

No it isn't.
Use your brain you retard.

lie is always used when you have evidence to catch the suspect in a lie. doubt is used when suspects do the funny facial shit to give you more info. its not hard.

The game will never prevent you from backing out on a "lie" so you can use that to goad something out of them. Then again, all they tend to say in most cases is "how can you PROVE that"

Did you not read the fucking post?
Sometimes they make a whacky face and its a "lie" but the evidence as it appears in the notebook seems unrelated since the actual clue was only seen when you picked it up 30 minutes ago becsusr the game doesn't actually let you look at the item properly again.
Is it possible for a situation to be a lie and you don't have the correct evidence meaning you can't win? Because yes that makes sense but it feels like shit to play when there's no right answer.

>Is it possible for a situation to be a lie and you don't have the correct evidence meaning you can't win?
Yes but that's why the game gives musical cues so that you can figure out when you've found all evidence at a site.

Yeah, sometimes after you pick a piece of evidence, Cole will say something totally unpredictable tying the evidence to the question. How tf was I supposed to know?

In fairness sometimes it's stuff that you would have to have lived in the 1940s for it to be common knowledge. That being said the DLC cases regardless of desk were always much harder than the base game.

I liked the game, but that NEW FACIAL TECHNOLOGY was pretty dumb. They either made retarded grimaces, or no visible change at all during interrogation. Also was it even possible to catch the wrong guy at all in any of the cases? Felt like they all railroaded you into the correct one

this thread is full of retards

DOUBT is for when you know theyre lying but there isn't evidence to prove it.

zoom zoom

The game came out in like 2011 you retard, its a zoomer game by definition.

Holy fuck I'm done, I rock up to the printing guys place and he tells me I need to provide proof that he's involved in this illegal car stealing and selling ring, so obviously I select "lie" and select the "box of pink slips signed off by gordon leitvol" that I found in the place where all the stolen cars were being stripped. But no! Apparently the box of slips he illegally sold to the people STEALING CARS AND SHOOTING AT ME was wrong! Not good enough to prove he was involved in the crime! And I lose! Every case before this has been okay but this one was a fucking crapshoot because there was so many pieces of evidence to choose that were so fucking similar.
Good fucking game!

Yeah the DLC missions are a bitch

Thats DLC? I don't have any DLC.

The PC version includes by default all DLC that originally was sold separately on consoles. The mission about the stolen Ambassador's car from South America was dlc too.

Oh. I actually thought the Consuls Car was OK. This one was a fucking joke though.

>trial and error
>not using your brain to make connections to clues and facial expressions.
Maybe you should just stick to Animal Crossing. It seems more up your alley.

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IIRC the pink slip mission is the hardest one in the game, literally nothing else is more obtuse than it.


It's wierd having played this game before watching Mad Men

Well thats good then, I actually like the game a fair bit but this mission really fucked me off. I think the fact that so many pieces of evidence were so similar and the game only accepts the exact one made it far harder. I also wish NPCs didn't always try to drive into me.

You also get the best partner in the game after finishing traffic.

The dude I'm with now is pretty cool though, this next guy has some boots to fill.

Bekowski is ok but he always has a chip on his shoulder. Rusty is great because he's too drunk to give a shit.

>game wants you the fail cases multiple times by taking clearly planted evidence as legit

>has a case where neither suspect is the killer
>have to chose the "right" one anyway
>can't accuse a suspect if you missed that one scrap of evidence because you won't have the option
>can't go back to the crimescene between questioning

>some crimescenes need to be visited in the right order between questioning in order to solve the case

>has a massive, detailed, historically accurate map with 0 incentive to explore it (unless you want a different car....for some reason)
>except for that one mission where you need to solve riddles leading you to landmarks you're supposed to be intimately familiar with

If only the whole game was like the first two chapters. It's reach towards a larger, character driven story ruins it. If it were just about solving self contained cases, maybe with some small, hidden evidence that reveals a larger, semi-related super bonus case at the end, it would have been a masterpiece.

>If only the whole game was like the first two chapters.
Really? I thought the Vice desk was a lot better than Homicide.